
They did raise a stink about Scorched Earth, it even mentions that in the article. That said you could watch Jim Sterlings Jimquisition to get an idea. Basically, the game is good and even before “release” provided an incredible amount of content. Even when Ark came out while in early access, it had twice as much

WELP! Not getting this hypocritical game.

This being in mind when they designed their games is a very bad thing. Look at the newest Star Fox for an example, as well their complete disregard for competing with the other consoles has repeatedly resulted in a weaker system devoid of good third party support. As is they are basically releasing games for a system

Thank you for that, so much.

I wrote a pretty long response, but it didn’t save for some reason so I’m gonna sum it up: Thank you for giving a well thought out response. The implementation is most likely a result of his inexperience at politics, which is a problem but I’m far less angered than most. Saudi Arabia should be on the ban list, but the

Firs off, thank you for replying with a well-thought comment. Second, I see your points. Personally, my feeling is that Saudi Arabia also should be on the list, the majority of the 9/11 attackers originated from there and it makes sense. The only reason it isn’t is because the Saudi government is(to my current

It should be remembered that text doesn’t convey tone(at least not for English). I use “shouted” here as more of a hyperbole. As well the term martyr implies I lose somehow in this and if nothing else that digs you in a bit of a hole. It implies that I wrote my comment expecting my alternate view to attract the

I know you’re just making a joke(which I did find funny), but I tend to read mostly Reuters. Every other news channel(outlet?) has too much of a heavy lean towards one side. Either way, it seems this is an environment in which it would be safest for me to keep my head down and choose when I speak carefully.

What you call a mess some see as a defensive measure. I’m sorry, but you must understand that there are alternate opinions and to shout down any that disagree with your own results in the construction of an echo-chamber where individual thought and opinion is discouraged.

If not for the political side, this would interest me. Been looking at Nuclear Throne a while.

We live in an era where discrimination is considered wrong. This is a form of discrimination.

Actually clicking in on right stick is how I set up my Halo controls, it works really well as it is more instant than the left trigger and doesn’t disturb your aim at all.

If you watched the first season of Ajin,the second is very exciting. It probably has one of the best fight sequences I’ve seen in any anime(including Gundam: Unicorn).

He had to click on it to be informed on the topic. Otherwise, if asked about it in the future he would seem like an ass. You don’t know the exact contents of an article until you have fully read it.

Do you have to put political rhetoric on my video game news site?

No they they made SR, SR2, SR:The Third, and SR: IV. I legitimately think that some point Volition is going to say that The Third and IV are spinoffs and make SR3 in the same style as 1 & 2.(Worth saying my favorite game was SR: The Third, I’m not one of those people who yell about how the first two were so much

They never made a Saints Row 3.

It’s really great. I’d suggest playing from the beginning forward with a friend if you want the best experience, just make sure you don’t jump in without playing any of the original trilogy.

Not exactly, we’ve become sort of splintered. Since Halo 4 many have just stopped, but those that didn’t generally enjoy Halo 5 and have hope for the series continued iterations. For me personally, I’ve played through ever Halo and completed all except 5 on Legendary and I’ll buy every Halo that comes out if not just

Shadow Warrior had a semi-bad port to Xbox One, but it wasn’t frame rate that was bad as much as the dev not adding in a hud slider.