
Fuck that guy - put the camera down and help. I dislike him more than the shitty driver.

I'm with ya. It's fucking ridiculous that it's even an issue.

oh, and thanks for not getting offended by my offhanded rudeness

So, the reason the rabbit thing isn't a big deal is because, well, they cute little animals, and if anyone complained about it the public at large would roll their eyes. Yes, it's a little "graphic" but animals having sex is not a hot button topic. Also, the tweet - along w/ the cumshaw one - were all about humor.

you really don't see the different in the examples? If you are being funny, cool, but if not, you really need to smarten up a bit.

what makes terry richardson so special that he can act like this? i really don't get it....

I made out with Britney Spears once. I would have MUCH rather it had been Keira Knightley.

Well, you're examples are irrelevant, but even still, you're failing to look at it from the perspective of corporate public image and that's why your argument fails.

That's a nice bible passage, but Im not sure it applies...

Well, it's not my personal opinion, dude. I just happen to perform damage control for one of the biggest companies in the world, and was simply sharing perspective from that angle.

I'll say it again... that's incredible. I didn't know this, and my mind is a big blown by it.

No one said "any kissing image is wrong". But you damn well know a shirtless, same-sex, open mouth kiss is going to garner more attention than something more tame and tasteful. It's really not complicated.

Are you an idiot or do you seriously not understand? Serious question.

I agree with that last line wholeheartedly. This was either the last straw, or he reacted immaturely when asked to remove the tweet, and was sacked.

I'm guessing you've never thought about what it means to do PR for a well known multi-national brand... They may not be going at it bareback, but it is over the line for mainstream marketing. It just is.


I don't know the guy, but I don't see him being all that talented based on the idiotic decision to post the "offending" tweet. I can't even consider it a mistake, as it's his job to know better (and I assume he most certainly did)

I may be the only one that got your point. I'm assuming you were referring to the original tweet, and in that case I tend to agree. But oh my, you were stirred up the gay brigade with that one.

oh, cmon now, it may not be the 1960's but thats not "perfectly innocent" either. Stop trolling.

Jesus, I really don't get why anyone thinks stephane samson needs to be defended. Y'all realize his job is PR, right? He made a huge fuckup and paid the priced.