
i recently had my rotors and pads replaced on the e91 and they squeal on initial braking, especially when wet. annoying...

I got to test drive the more pedestrian versions of the R-line for M-B. We got to try and destroy the driveline when they were done... which wasn’t all that easy.

not ugly and vulgar enough! thats my problem with it atleast... its pretty boring. would get a second look, but not a stare.

A good example of why positional bargaining is generally a futile effort

Not sure it’s ever possible to win an argument by not doing anything other than pretending what other people think. Just saying...

“It should never have been in the Constitution in the first place”

I suggest you read some more history books...

interesting that you reference a shooter-incident, at a gun-free zone...

There have been some studies that easier access to illicit drugs wouldn’t increase usage. Those that use, use. Convenience is just that, convenience.

If someone attacked you to the point that your life was in danger, and you could not protect yourself, wouldn’t you want someone to step up to do it for you?

I performed some real-world test driving of the R line for M-B some years back. The best part was at the end, when they instructed us to destroy them how we saw fit as they were going to end up in the crusher.

the thing is.... Arizona is a great place to run an immoral/unethical company.

pretty sure that legally you can’t swap 2 lanes like that, in immediate sucession.

This show is not for anyone that frequents this site.

you’re job isn’t to be a mindless critic thats for sure. and trust me, no one on these forums is going to think of something that Apple should be doing that they haven’t already thought out themselves.

While thats a fact, it doesn’t mean Zuck or FB changed in any significant way...

huh?? how exactly has Facebook changed in 7 years?

Was thinking the same thing! What a great time to watch racing.

got a link? :-)

well, THEY, Hyundai seem to know enough to say its the weight. What exactly is “disgraceful” about it?