
"Cherish is the word I use to descriiibbbe - BUM BOM! BUM BOM!"

I was gonna say… a world where we never get to see Paris and Doyle hip hop dancing is a world I don't want to live in. Unless there was Paris/Jess hip hop dancing, which would also be pretty wonderful

Don't you mean "vant" and "vhat"? ;) Joey is truly the master of the accent. Especially the Southern one

Yeah, to be fair, some of what I don't like about her in Season 7 has to do with other plot stuff besides Logan- *spoilers* her reactions to Lorelai/Chis, her responses to graduating/job rejections, the whole Marty debacle, and generally the introduction of her arty friends, who I found really grating. It just didn't

The allusion to a Jackson/Bootsie wipeout performance alone makes "The Bracebridge Dinner" a top five episode for me.

Logan. Help me - not only is he personally insufferable, but he brings out every unpleasant characteristic in Rory. By the end of season 7, I always have to resist the urge to fast forward through any of the Rory-centric scenes. I'd rather watch *spoiler* all the Luke and April nonsense they can dish out than a single

Sorry if someone else posted these already, but 1) Monica clearly states that she is 26 by the end of season 1 (which makes sense as Ross says he's 26 in the pilot, turning 27 in the fall, and they appear to be about a year apart in school), which makes Chandler ~26 and Rachel ~25; and 2) it's Paul the WINE guy, not