My wife has been a hair stylist for years and she was required to put in more hours of education and training than would be required to become a cop.
My wife has been a hair stylist for years and she was required to put in more hours of education and training than would be required to become a cop.
Friends of mine thought I was crazy to suggest cops need a college education from an accredited school to become an officer. If doctors, teachers and other professions that require a high responsibility need one, so should they. Cop suckers always speak of the stresses of the job. Some even claim PTSD. Some say its…
Rancho. Gritty? Da Fuck? I live in the Inland Empire near there. Again...Gritty. Rancho. Da Fuck?
I live in the Inland Empire near Rancho. Who in the hell thought Rancho was gritty? Where did the author get THAT info? LOL It’s comical to even think it. I seriously thought it was satire when I read it. Da hell?
Guarantee they told him to zip it up and told her “LEAVE YOURS OPEN”!