
MCIS is definitely a masterpiece, and I’m still a big NIN fan. I’m very biased, but I definitely recommend that you give them a shot again. The last 3 EPs/albums are pretty great stuff. 

I love that shirt! 

If they even think about euthanizing this animal...

Ugh. This is awful, awful news. 


This woman has a history of being a piece of shit. At least she’s consistent? 

I work in advertising, and the reason we were given was that a LOT of child pornography was found last week which caused Apple to pull the app from the App Store. I’m quite sure this is a knee-jerk reaction to this as an attempt to show advertisers that they “care” about brand safety. We get this kind of shit from

I had an italian greyhound for many years and he was the best dog I’ve ever met. If my situation allows me to adopt in the future, greys are at the top of my list.

I hope these assholes cleaned up their mess. 

So let me get this straight - a man who has bragged about sexually assaulting women has banned a reporter from the White House for accidentally touching a woman? Cool.

I’d definitely recommend City Museum. It’s such a cool place! Also, going to see a Blues game. 

They were in Sephora for a hot minute too, but I think that’s over. 

That was my first thought as well. It just reeks of insincerity. 

I was skeptical of this show, but I love it so much! And I love the references to VM that they throw in once in awhile. :) 

She is absolutely incredible. I love watching her so much. Also, her leotard is so beautiful and looks amazing on her. I don’t know her, but I still feel so proud whenever I see her perform. 

Probably just the ghosts of all the children who have died from (now preventable) diseases that didn’t have the option of vaccination. 

She just did a free show in Toronto for Pride that was free as well and she performed this song. I wonder if she changed the lyrics there too. I missed the show but saw highlights on IG stories. 

This made me laugh pretty hard. 

Came here to say this. I used to take passport photos for work in university and any glimpse of teeth or anything shiny (lip gloss, forehead, bald heads) will cause them to reject the photo! 

Ugh, I should know better than to go into the comments on the McCain tweet. Some people are just absolutely vile.