
Not a toothbrush, but I might give the Nair a go.

Okay when I say “the platypus is rabid” grab a shovel and meet me at the In N Out Burger.

Shows how inflated his ego is. I would totally sleep with someone gorgeous for $10,000 but I wouldn’t shake Trump’s hand for less than $10,000,000. No amount of money would make me sleep with him

I’ve been using this product for a while on my face and used to buy it at Marshall’s. just now i found it on ebay which is weird.. makes me wonder if it was discontinued? anyway, if you can find a 10% glycolic acid product that you like it should help with scarring.

“At the time, not a single one of the major broadcast networks had sent a reporter to cover the Standing Rock mobilization; none had even bothered to mention it on the air.”

In WW1, before antibiotics, sugar was used to sterilize wounds.

nevermind edited because someone else mentioned the John Mulaney bit.

I have monogrammed luggage tags, and canvas grocery bags, for exactly that reason. Less of a mixup at airports, and my grocery bags don’t “wander off”.

I never realized until now that nobody eats chicken Marsala for the chicken. You are so right.

That’s huuuuge! Congrats! Ugh I feel like I’ll be renting forever haha

Gold mine

Excellent point! And my BF keeps nicking my hard-to-find, no stains, lovingly washed thrift towels (100% freaking Egyptian cotton) for his “man jobs”. Now they occupy the “rag cabinet.” Think I’ll put a few stitches on an edge, then I can say “What about THIS? Eh?”

The harm, I believe, exists in these spaces and their outward influence.

Haha, that’s hilarious! They were probably trying to read some meaning into your cryptic “eh.”

Eons ago someone from Britain gave me a...I don’t know its name, but it’s a very old instrument that they still make. You heat up some sealing wax, make a little puddle on the back of your envelope, and then press in this metallic circle or any shape I guess with your monogram inside it. People sometimes also used

Even thermoses?

I feel weird about this because I rub honey on myself before showering as a skincare treatment. Raw honey is a yeast infection treatment, in fact. What the process is not, however, is sexy. It’s not sexy at allll. Lots of lint gets stuck to you. And if I bend over I get my boobs stuck to my stomach.

Agreed! Sticky, messy, and a yeast infection waiting to thanks.

To be fair, they lost me with the honey-rubbing-on-bodies part regardless of Trump’s involvement.

Aw, wish everyone wasn’t so knee-jerk judgy about this as I’m going through separation after 4 1/2 years of dating and 1 year of marriage right now. It turned out on top of the other fundamental issues in my relationship, I was unable to also tolerate cheating after 10 months of marriage. The loud whispers are