I thought it was a decent picture of him! so much better than the photo they used in that recent ad where he tried to appeal to millenials and young people with their “insider vs outsider” mantra.
I thought it was a decent picture of him! so much better than the photo they used in that recent ad where he tried to appeal to millenials and young people with their “insider vs outsider” mantra.
eh. euthanizing them at least keeps them from living miserable starving lives. in a way that’s better than letting them roam free.
this whole “if you don’t like American, then leave” sentiment is very odd. why should it only apply to this soccer player or to infamous footballer Kapernick?
we need to get rid of this idea that flag=veterans. when did the flag start to stand for veterans? i thought it stood for this whole damn country, not just ONE PARTICULAR GROUP OF PEOPLE. the flag stands for all of us, good and bad both. there are over three hundred million people in this country. inevitably, in a…
I text my boss! she hates voicemail. if I need to call in sick that is what she prefers.
fuck yes hard cider! I dont’ like beer but hard cider is my jam.
i think of nonplussed as similar to irritated, how bad is this?
cooking classes already exist, and I think they sound like fun. Maybe if Ikea hadn’t named this idea a RESTAURANT it wouldn’t seem so dumb. what if it was cooking class... with guests?
well, Nazism is about dominance and suppressing other races. and BLM is about achieving equality and fairness. so they are fundamentally different and your point is pretty damn dumb.
after speaking with MsMed HFR I have realized tMsMedHRF is separating two ideas that some other commenters are not.
It’s tough to throw feminist support to a woman who doesn’t carry the feminist banner??????????????
we aren’t talking about first lady cred because that is literally NOT THE POINT.
first lady creds.... are interesting to debate if you feel like it. but they still have nothing to do with Chris Matthews comments. Do you think the producers rounds up their journalists and say, “you, you, and you will be covering this event. we expect x y and z from all of you. unless someone there would make a…
she probably is wondering what she got herself into. she might regret the marriage very much.
is “how trump’s campaign gets to react” really the thing to be debating here?
lots of people are defending matthews remarks and it’s extremely obvious to me that Melissamachete is not defending the trumps.
i think you’re the one missing the point. Chris Matthews needs to conduct himself with professionalism when he is on the job, no more no less.
thank you! Chris matthews is expected to be professional in the workplace. why would he suddenly get to stop fulfilling his job requirements???? how stupid does this imaginary conversation sound, “ok, so you will be covering this important political event for our network. we expect x y z from all the correspondents…
you just said the most important thing! “Chris matthews was a fool to say that near a mic.”
ok. so Melania has bad taste because of her gold bikini photos. i don’t see how that has any effect on a professional journalist. Chris Matthews’ superiors at his job didn’t say, “ok dude now we need you to be super professional when you are dealing with classy people. but if you are dealing with unclassy people then…