
Reposting because I can 😝

Have you completely stopped reading it, or have you kept up with it. The Governor was a great batshit crazy villain that was already cracked, but got pushed way past the point of insanity. I think it kept getting better after that arc, but to each their own.

I thought the governor in the show was good (David morrisey is great) but I love the fact that the Governor of the book is straight out of Mad Max.

anyone who kickstarts something and thinks they’re now a stake or shareholder and not a donating patron is confused.

*sigh* Not this nonsense again. How it became the cool thing to jump on GoT I don’t know. It’s based on a book series full of sex. And all of a sudden everyone is going “WELL NOBODY TOLD ME THERE WOULD BE SEX HERE! OFFENDED! TRIGGERED!”

Should we hide that sexual assault happen in life? I'm all for not glamorizing it, but we shouldn't bury our heads in the sand either, right?

One step closer to defeating Aquaman!

This is what happens when you invite Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn to talk to the UN about how to help keep professional victims in business.