
Y’all need some Kappa of the non-sorority sort.

It’s worth reiterating that the investigation was into Russian interefence in the 2016. The investigation was not into whether Donald Trump colluded with Russia. That certainly could fall under “Russian interference” but the investigation wasn’t specifically about Trump. I just want to remind people of that because

Hopefully never.

Look for statistics on defensive uses of guns without shooting anyone. Meaning someone pulled a gun in self defense and the assailant fled without a shot being fired. There are many studies claiming many numbers, the most conservative estimate I’ve seen is 78000 a year.(the NRA claims 5 million. The NRA is racist and

Just for the record, I believe we do have a gun problem in this country and we will only ever attempt a solution if we talk about it. I am not smart enough nor is my ego big enough for me to believe that I have the solution, however, in discussions I’ve had with others, I can tell you one argument that does not and

There is a solution to this:

I saw a tractor trailer once that said:

Now playing

The passive-aggressive level here is well over 9000.

Change “Michigan” to “Ohio” and you nailed it. Seems like they were all designed and built by Tim “The Toolman” Taylor.

Sure, but there’s arguing for gun control and then there’s getting mad at an X-Men poster, or complaining that Iron Fist is a white guy, which I would say is definitely comparable to something like Fox News complaining that the coffee cups at Starbucks aren’t Christian enough. Jezebel just wrote an article condemning

If you don’t think we live in an outrage culture right now just waiting to pounce the moment anyone says something that doesn’t 100% line up with what they believe, you’re either being disingenuous or you’re living in a cave.

Stories are being generated with the sole intent of getting people offended.

I’m not going to try and get in The Rock’s head, so I’m not defending what he’s getting at here per se, but I — as someone that clearly identifies as a liberal and supports the progressive movement, who can’t stand the right as it exists today — believe he makes a very good point, in general about a segment, not all,

Brake engineer here:

106 of you NP this is why we can’t have nice things. 100% fucking CP. Shouldn’t even be a question.

She almost went with a couple of other names before settling on Abcde:

I don’t think it’s subjective when common sense would say that the mom started with the first five letters of the alphabet and walked backwards into the pronunciation. I think that’s pretty objectively stupid.

How is laughing at seeing a first name that is the first five letters of the alphabet making fun of a child? The kid didn’t pick that name.

Maybe don’t name your child something moronic if you don’t want yourself (and your child) ridiculed for the rest of their life. And this from a guy who named his son after his favorite Top Gear presenter.