
Because I’m mentally 12 sometimes, this made me laugh far more than it probably should have. 

If you are living in the snow belt for more then a couple years, get an extra set of wheels with snow tires mounted. I dont worry much about washer fluid, that is *usually* okay to go well below freezing, but always keep an extra gallon at the house, you’ll go throw it faster than oil changes in the winter. AAA card

I can’t be the only one not okay with making a mass shooting a hashtag, right? 

No. It happened because he’s an asshole. 

One of my best mates owns a couple of Lasers, the street car makes ~380kw at the front wheels and happens to be the quickest street legal FWD car in the country. Can confirm feelings get hurt.

Utah recently did away with their safety inspection requirement, which is a ***terrible*** idea. Generally I’m a fan of reduced regulation, but people simply can’t be trusted to maintain vehicle roadworthiness. And their automotive apathy is a direct threat to my family’s safety.

I’m from Virginia. I used to hate the mandatory annual inspection because I think the government should stay the hell out of almost everything...

This is why mandatory state inspections every couple of years are good. I used to live in a state that had no inspections. Not a day went by when I didn’t see a car on the highway that was clearly unsafe, and most usually also being driven at an unsafe speed or in an unsafe manner.

When a ‘90s Malibu needs new tires, I’m pretty sure it’s considered totaled.

“completely bizarre way to recover a weapon.”

It’s a Springfield XD, so no because it never did to begin with.

Or tinted windshields. If you hit my kid in the dark, and you have a tinted windshield, I will kill you, then torture and kill every person you ever looked at, and after that I’ll burn down the whole rest of the world. This is how it only takes one moron to ruin it for everyone.

If you’re going to drive the speed limit in Detroit, please stay on the shoulder where you belong.

I had a TDI that could automatically detect if it was on rollers so it could go into a special mode to pass the emissions test.

Anecdotal evidence suggests this is a feature removed from later models, but E30s also have turn signals.

I was under the impression that periodic flooding was a feature designed to flush the urine and dead rats out of the system.

Panem et circenses.

A TSB may have been issued not because of faulty equipment, but because the brand doesn’t want petty complaints to rise up for what is actually true - performance brakes do make more noise. I don’t know how hard you brake, but it’s possible that lesser “normal” brakes offer the same performance as the performance

Yes, owned by the public and funded by taxes which require a budget to be spent, no budget no public parks.