
I pay $1,500 per seat for Jets season tickets, exhibition games included (10 games x $150 =$1,500). When we complained about the preseason games being the same price as “real” games they changed the price of the tickets. Now my exhibition games only cost $50 but my real games vs the Giants and the Patriots are $250.

I was there, man. I thought the same thing at first. This can’t be happening. But it was. It really was. Listening to the PA guy trying to do the math in his head. First and 2 is also first and goal...from the 12. Watching the players’ brains wrestle with the lines and numbers and knowing that they didn’t mean what

Everything is chaos, all across the culture, all across the economy, all across the political diaspora, and in the new world order a man’s word is his shiv.

I was originally wondering how many people from the Bay Area were going to fly up to Portland to watch the away games, but then I remember they’ve spent the last 5 years moving up there already, so all they have to do is take MAX from the Pearl District!

What about the deer tho?

Pictured: Honda and Toyotas reaction to the news

Absolutely no sympathy for Thunder fans.

That was some horseshit NBA JAM eat-your-money cheating-AI shenanigans of a shot... And it was fucking AWESOME


Last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it!

Stakeholder: We’re really into organic forms and how they may be used to inspire automobile design. We’re thinking for the new line up, fish.

I believe that was Wilt Chamberlains pick up line

Engine part porn!

Oh man, horseshoe crabs are fascinating but yes, horrifying at the same time. My brother-in-law got married at the Mandalay Bay aquarium (which I guess you can do) and they have a touch-pool filled with little skates (who like getting pets) and horseshoe crabs who are just kind of wandering around. When nobody was

*General Public- “Looks cool, glad to see the retro styling”.

An 18kW battery and it’s associated electronics would be water tight, because motorcycle.

I remember Napster and Audiogalaxy in 2001... My music collection exploded into such a diverse bunch of styles and everything. It was a golden age of stealing other people’s music.

Holy shit I’ve never felt so personally attacked before

“Not real long in terms of hitting it..., but he keeps trying.”