To the people attacking killermann under the argument of "free speech means we can say what we want, this is what you get for trying to attack it", there is no such thing as free speech.
To the people attacking killermann under the argument of "free speech means we can say what we want, this is what you get for trying to attack it", there is no such thing as free speech.
As bad as the reviews are, Id still go see it just to see a visual version of the book.
Wow do I miss the days of FF 1-6. Once Final Fantasy expanded beyond the 'JRPG nerd' focused demographic and became the "lets make a CGI movie styled video game" around FF7/Chrono Cross, I stopped playing JRPG's and could never get back into them for the most part. There were exceptions for Suikoden and Final Fantasy…
Turning Cuba into a state:
This guys argument for not caring about the show not reflecting the actual diversity in Brooklyn is the same reason why any male, particularly a black male (like myself) would not care what he thinks about the show, or segregation in NY among women in general. Its not really a problem for him because its not his…
A very long time?
"Then why reply? If you dont care about my opinion, your replies are a waste of your time.
While I appreciate your consideration, I really dont care what you think of my intelligence. I am one of the few people with an actual education on the subject matter (Masters in Public policy, BA in Political Science and American Racial Studies, JD...pursuing Ph.D)
Dragging from trucks you say?
Actually studies have taken into account class and income, and the disparity exists regardless. A middle class black or latino person will still receive a harsher sentence per average than a poor or even indigent white male.
I would dare any 3 SWM's here to tell a crowd of african amercans or mexican americans or womens studies group the very things they are voicing on this page against the OP.
"Um, up until even a few years ago, everybody practically lived in the stone age compared to now."
99% of racism isnt neo nazis or kkk people. Its normal people treating others differently because of their race.
If class was more important than race, upper class blacks and hispanics would not suffer the same discrimination that lower class blacks and hispanics do.
Lets all get angry at this article that points out WHAT EVERY PERSON IN AMERICA KNOWS, that white males have it easier than everyone else in this country.
Clearly you dont know what you are talking about. The Nick fury the modern marvel characters is based on was BLACK in the comics originally. The Karate Kid was not a remake, or even a reboot. It was just a movie with the same name and similar themes. Anyone who actually saw the movie would know that (it takes place in…
You poor poor straight white males! Everyone is always picking on you (unless of course its in any context other than academic research into inequality, in-which cases its usually you picking on/limiting opportunities of/generalizing/discriminating against-them).
The problem with the concept of the big rip is that it doesnt mean the end of the universe, it just means the slowing of it, which we as humans would not even be able to perceive since we cannot perceive much beyond the 4th dimension consciously.
Blacklisting white characters? Are you kidding me? That happens 1 in a 1000 characters. White listing happens on nearly every blockbuster movie. The latter harry potter films and the hunger games being two of the most recent examples.