The Flavour is in the Fat

Either that, or do what they did back in the day, and put these C Listers to work on the Hollywood Squares. It might not be the most dignified work, but it is better than shilling crap on Twitter and Instagram.

I guess you didn’t hear about the parents in Albert whose kid died because they didn’t believe/trust modern medicine. He had bacterial meningitis and could have been treated and most likely cured.


eh, she should have told them to just photoshop that part out.

The philosophy of the artwork relates to the idea of the sacred feminine.

Yeah. If you’d kept your hot mess of a husband: Alive, employed, managed, fed and clothed and supported and he KEPT stepping out... I can support her and any woman who says, “enough.”

I guess my main question is, who still wants to fuck Ozzy Osbourne?

I was trying to think of a way to say exactly this. I work in showbiz, and have met a broad variety of them, through all kinds of disciplines. So many celebrity types act exactly as you described. It’s absolutely sociopathic. On the scale of talent/fame, I have noticed that the upper eschelon of talent is the absolute

my cousin works in the industry and she says this exact thing is very common. the talent doesn’t want a reputation for being difficult, so it gets blamed on the publicist.

Having worked pretty extensively with celeb handler types in the past, I wouldn’t be shocked to learned this was their zealousness rather than Prince’s (or the zealousness of the New Girl people obsessed with keeping him happy after taking an off-handed remark too seriously, because it goes the other way, too). I once