
Just coming by to let y’all know that Gravity Falls is like a suuuuuuper good show, and everyone should watch it.

You remind me of people who eat a full meal and then complain to staff that it wasn’t good.

Yes, it’s good. But it might not be for you.

It was a PSVR launch title. This is a port of that version.

So he should work himself to the point where his craft and work suffers for it?

People who feel entitled don’t understand what actual hard work does to someone.

Baby boomers created the internet, which is what created a world of self-entitled assholes who think that all content should be free and high quality.

100% ok to be disappointed he’s taking a break. 0% ok to be a raging dick and demand he make videos for you nonstop. Its not the same level of a break that Nostalgia critic took (granted NC was planning on quitting permanently), but if it refreshes him half as much his show would be in a great place.

YouTube is such a great reminder of how overly entitled baby boomers bred an entire generation of kiddos who think they’re entitled to other people’s work which they get for free.

Most days you pray everything you read online is satire.

Is this a serious question?

So, you don’t know the difference between climate and weather. Boy, those creationist/climate change denying science classes did a good job! You are ignorant as fuck.

The best goddamn handheld that was never given its proper loving because “Sony”.

But what does it taste like?

Right now, the DOJ has appointed independent counsel. Had it not been for the Rosenstein issue, independent counsel might not have been considered necessary. Rosenstein did the right thing.

Me and my teen friends are going to win that skateboarding contest to save the holocaust center!

I saw the Spin Doctors there in 1998.

Those praying the gay away camps never made any sense to me for a bevy of reasons, if a parent is afraid their child will be gay, why would you send them to a camp with other hot gay kids? Doesn’t make any sense.

No one liked Goof Troop.