Matt Conroy

If you’re good at something, why not get paid for it?

I honestly have never played a game as horribly rubberbanded as Mario Kart 8 is. I bought the Switch version at launch and was having tonnes of fun with it on the 50cc, 100cc and Multiplayer.

The internet gaming community is totally in love with the Zelda franchise, so it’s almost impossible to get people to listen to critics and criticisms of it. I love BOTW but selling hard mode and a map tracker as DLC is bullshit  

While I don’t agree with every point she makes, I’m a big fan of Anita Sarkeesian and for the most part is spot on. I watch her videos semi-religiously because I think it’s important for men to take these opinions on board and improve the way women are portrayed in all forms of media.

I’ve literally never thrown a controller, in 24 years of playing video games. You need to take a long hard look at yourself man.

Let’s be fair, “human mating compatible” is an extraordinarily broad term :P

Everyone, everyone cares. When people with a relatively large social presence start spewing hate speech it is everyone else’s moral duty to tear these idiots down.  

hmmm this review reads awfully like an advertisement for Oculus Rift........

I’m at level 27 with a new character on PS4 and honestly I haven’t seen nearly as many glitches as Fallout 4 had. It’s mostly items hovering above tables they should be sitting on and NPC’s disappearing into thin area but compared to the utter mess the game was on PS3 (I bought it at release so I was long suffering)

While I haven’t had too many issues glitch wise (I got the car not starting glitch and some textures not loading in fully) on PS4, Mafia III smacks of a game that could have used a few more man hours of polish. Hopefully by patch 1.3 the game will run smoothly. that’s the danger in buying games at launch these days.

Still can’t watch this episode without having to fight back tears. The only thing worse for me Anime wise is Toboe’s death in Wolf’s Rain, gets me every time ;(

What I find hilarious about this reveal is it shows ME:A ruining on PS4 Pro in 4K and people are saying “oh I barely see a difference”. Unless you are watching the video on a 4K TV or monitor of course you don’t. It’s like when they used to show HD TV ads on old standard definition televisions.

So this game isn’t a Skyrim mod?

I absolutely loved Miz’s promo. Scripted or not it highlights a serious problem in modern professional wrestling. Wrestlers working a much more dangerous style and just to please the vocal minority of “smark” internet fans. And not only is this style dangerous for the performers in the ring it’s producing matches that

Yeah I don’t ‘get’ him either. More power to him for making a career out of it though.

I started playing on July 13th and the tracker glitch started about 2 days in. The tracker feature has been basically broken the entire time I have been playing.

Considering most of the recent violence in the US, Middle East and Europe has been motivated by either religion or racism/xenophobia I don’t think video games are the problem here.