Hopefully you’re joking because this might be the most inane comment I’ve ever seen on Gawker Media.
Hopefully you’re joking because this might be the most inane comment I’ve ever seen on Gawker Media.
It’s not ignorance when people told her. It’s indifference.
Sorry, but it’s 2 with 6 zeros after it dollars. For like an hour of work. I would feel horrible about it though.
And it wasn’t like she didn’t know. People told her beforehand.
That’s straight up fucked up Nicki. And there’s absolutely no excuse for it either. Angola doesn’t just have human rights abuse issues, it is one of worst countries in Africa on this. There was a great article written by N Kristof not too long ago about it, which was terrifying.
Considering how much work she's had done, only about 60% of her is still human. And I think that's being generous.
Nicki Minaj might be the most annoying person in America. And yeah, I know about that pharmacy douchebag. Still comfortable with my statement.
I can see Nicki in her dressing room in Angola muttering to herself:
o fuck I remember that
Little did you know the entire room was just filled with undercover bloggers with made-up personas trying to infiltrate the event.
I mean, I see your point, but radical Islamists are literally enslaving women.
why do you punctuate all your comments with “have a great day!”? It’s obnoxious
Two possible contributing factors:
Yes, it is, but prepare to be eviscerated on Jezebel for daring to speak this obvious truth. Also prepare to have the insult “TERF” laid upon you, thereby making you an object, and OK to attack in obscene and ad hominem verbiage. You CANNOT tell these women that we realised like 40 years ago that all porn is bad for…
But isn’t that like saying that because Tom’s of Maine is an ethical company that the way the vast majority of products operate is pretty terrible and messed up? Notice you outlined the problem with the majority of porn and then your final sentence was basically “but there is some porn that is not like that” Well, is…
is this sort of degeneracy not the inevitable outcome of what third-wave feminism espouses? When will people realise that all this sex-positive porn stuff is just more lies for the masses and that ploughing a field is way better than plowing a butt?