Porsha Stinks

Well. Just finished 2 episodes. Verdict: I will continue watching this.

This is Tolkein. Trolls die when exposed to sunlight.

At some point you can just stop giving them the benefit of the doubt:

Eh, they’re also upset about She-Hulk twerking with Megan Thee Stallion, and y’know what?”

I like it. Lookin’ forward to the next release. Hoping the trolls die mad and this goes on for 7 seasons.

Eh, they’re also upset about She-Hulk twerking with Megan Thee Stallion, and y’know what?

I’m poor as hell so I watch through OTHER means, and predictably the Disqus comments section on the site I use is full of the absolute worst humans/botnets on the planet, slamming it for being “woke garbage”. So I have no doubt that user scores on various review aggregate sites are a fucking nightmare as well.

I don’t much care for the show - I’m not a fan of Tolkien or LotR in general, and on its own as a fantasy show it’s ridiculously beautiful but also ridiculously terribly written (the dialogues are mostly horrible, the storytelling is the opposite of organic). It’s mostly harmless, though.