
Nah, the base knows what he’s trying to do... the media outlets are the ones with the obsession over the crazy shit he says. They never should have covered it, but instead have a fixation on it.

The question is... if a popular democrat party president were suggesting this very same livery, would ANYONE be complaining about it?

the iowa primary is invalid because the electorate is too white”

Pres Obama: “let’s plant a trillion trees”

The last three years is not false. It is correct.

We’ll just plant the trees very close together along the entire US/Mexico border. Two birds with one stone! 

This whole thing is a fucking disaster and makes the Democratic Party look exactly as disorganized and pointless as it actually is.

Are you that stupid? How is the wall racist? It’s not racist to want to keep illegal immigrants out of your country. If Mexico and Central America were full of white people (with the same percentage of drugs and violent people), Trump would have the exact same immigration policy and would still want to build the wall.

It appears from the comments that the author (and perhaps Gizmodo) is a bit out of touch with their readers.  Huh.  Sounds all too familiar.

How much have you donated? 

Ok. But he still donated $14 million, which is no paltry sum. It may be self-serving, but it will help.

I wonder how much Gizmodo and/or Matt Novak donated. I bet it’s $0.  The high horses around the G/O Media sites are looking pretty damn high lately, aren’t they?

Are you really denigrating a donation of $14 million to any effort?

Right? Shame on him for not giving all of his money! Insert eye roll here.

Same picture as Brian presented above, but in greyscale, showing tectonic plate (red line), historical earthquakes (1900 to 2015) and legend showing intensity contour colors.

If your comments can’t be doom and gloom please keep them to yourself!

So basically, those of us that aren’t super rich can say goodbye to good wine.

Oh shit, here come the coal chewers.

Casual observer climate change education tips:

A kangaroo does a little arson and suddenly seasonal fires are “climate change”.