
Did they not consider that more suicides could be happening in the winter because of the shorter days or holidays, not because of the temperature? Or that more traffic deaths occur in the summer because more people travel over summer breaks, or when the days are longer? Warmer winters doesn’t change that, in fact you

I fully accept the concept of human caused global warming and that this is a huge crisis and it’s gonna be really bad and we need to do something (although I’m not sure if we can). But:

HAHA, right, She a others have been pounding that warming globe winter change at least twice a day for years....

I mean, technically getting diagnosed and killed by stage 4 pancreatic cancer is “unexpected,” I’m sure Funes thinks that was caused by climate change too.

I can smell the psychosis of your fabricated illusion.

Psych 101, If you say “Climate Change” enough times people will start believing it.

Meh, tech conferences almost ALWAYS have speakers that have nothing to do with Tech. That part isn’t even remotely new. So really the only thing different about this one is that it is someone that you disagree with politically that is causing the outrage.

I mean I’d personally skip the Keynote to go play with gadgets

The wife and I had no children, so what have you done for the environment?

Storming embassies isn’t known as offering the olive branch either.

The U.S. assassinated a high-ranking Iranian official in a targeted airstrike at Baghdad International Airport in Iraq early Friday, local time.

OR... he just killed a very bad person responsible for literally millions of atrocious human rights violations. You see what you want to see.

So, 563 wind turbines to support 3/4 of the population of New York City at 46% of power needs.

“A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.” Alright, there’s no Caddyshack quotes allowed.

Good for them although they don’t disclose how much wind generation that is in MW hours. They are a very small country after all. That said good for them, but there is a lot of wind generation in the US as well, mostly in Texas, where I live, of all places.  While the largest wind farm in Denmark generate 407 MWh of

Please, we all know that people like you are the skeletons found along the road in any disaster movie.

This is ridiculous. 

Really? You proved a causal link between Exxon Mobil and the wild fires in Australia?

So did the Russians reverse the flow of those rivers back to the Aral Sea? No.

Using vulgar language only makes you sound stupid and that you don't have a real defense. Grow up already.

I disagree with including the Aral Sea, as it’s not attributable to climate change, but to grotesque Soviet mismanagement of the watershed.