
What a bunch of snowflakes

Weather is not climate. If you can’t point to a cold snap as evidence against global warming, then you can’t say a heat wave is evidence for it.

WHOA!!! this is the 4th Climate Change article within 2 hours!!!

Maybe if you quit putting “climate change” in every headline. Stop blaming everything for it or blaming it on everything. Maybe then people would stop calling it a hoax.. Seriously; more storms, less storms, big storms, small storms, any weather really, any fires, iphone screens, celebrity sex changes, EVERYTHING!!

Global Warming is a Hoax, It was a created by the governments around the world so that they can put a massive tax on it’s peoples. If you own a car, tax, if you own a SUV, more tax, How large is you home? tax per square foot..\

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Pep is a common nickname or derivative of Bruce.

All of that carbon was already a part of the carbon cycle. The fires are not contributing to climate change.

Burning organic matter is fundamentally different than burning fossil fuels be cause fossil fuels have been removed from the carbon cycle for millions of years.

Hahahahaha you think a deal that includes “Not trading with anyone not on the Paris Climate Agreement” has a shot in Hell? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all week.

This crap makes me laugh every single time. The Earth and nature will not wait for us to do anything. If the system craps, it will erase us itself and resets like it did many times in the past already.

Not at all. The climate protesters block intersections during major commute times where I live which causes vehicles to idle long periods of time in traffic or take longer alternative routes.  This simply makes that day worse for the environment than the day before without protests.  No one has any ideas and if they

Become a media darling, and you become “Person of the Year”.

We know what happened when a paranoid socialist got rid of the capitalist part. As well as multiple men...and women...

She, and others have already admitted this isn’t about the environment, it’s about funneling cash to less wealthy nations. When you’re just using the idea of “climate change” as a platform for your other crazy ideals like “environmental justice” then you don’t need any solutions. You just need to scream really, really

I know she’s just a mascot who really has no power at all (yelling at people doesn’t work) but to prop someone up to this level without actually having a solution is a waste of time. stop yelling at each other and find a solution. wait a min, Greta may be on to something.... if we get rid of men and capitalism the

this is so idiotic. like this stupid little girl knows anything. all she does is blame everyone for all the worlds problems. and exactly how does that help anyone but her by getting attention???? its like no one has ever bothered to teach these people that we do not own this planet. it was here before us and it will

About right. Millennial leftist pablum, sky is falling horseshit. All emotive and hysterical rhetoric, with nary analysis, cogent logic or reasoning behind it. 

They say pointing fingers will solve the climate issues. Thanks for doing your part.

The United States has the worst history of treating people like shit” Seriously? Look at the way woman are treated in 80% of the rest of the world and recant that. Or how about Germany and its Jews or the millions slaughtered by the soviets as part of ethnic cleansing. The worst history... How do you quote such

I love it when people post color coded maps without the key....