
It’s killed less than coal or hydro, has zero carbon and constant availability, and newer designs are safer than the old plants, but it’s still considered the big scary monster in the closet, so we don’t talk about that here.

The photo shows a nuclear power plant’s cooling towers emitting steam, but they don’t mention nuclear power as very effective alternative to reducing carbon?

Are you talking about the 1970s...where they predicted an ice age?

Ummm, yea. The first paragraph says it all. The party that showed up without a plan. How embarrassing is that.

Environment and energy politics ain’t beanbag. It’s messy and a continuum. 

“Who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy,” Trump said at a fundraiser this past September. “You know what we used to do in the old days, when we were smart, right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

It’s more complex than accept-deny. I accept that the climate has warmed one degree in the past century but I do not buy into the panic. I want the environment to be as clean as possible, but I also want level-headed analyses of the costs that imposes on the poor and middle class. And regardless of what we do here, aro

Strange, climate hasn’t changed all that much.

This will not get approved but the only real evidence Ive seen is Vice President Bien bragging how he got Ukraine to drop the investigation on his son. But facts don’t matter.  Keep on with the left propaganda the world will be a better place. 

Oh! how disappoint you all are going to be!!!! The safe room’s are going to have a 32 day waiting period!!!! Yet again, they make shit up and yet again it’s going to get slapped down for being bull shit!!! I’m going to enjoy watching you all melt!!!

I’d love to watch a few hours of baseless rambling about Trump’s phone call, but I have to work :(

“Stupidity” was just too redundant, I guess?

“Climate strike” is a word of the year!....As determined by a collection of globalist-owned and operated publications. Totally means something to the millions of people around the globe who could give two shits about the wishes of the globalists who want to put the majority of the world under their thumbs.

It’s a rallying cry for the mental midgets among us. I’m a Millenial. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been given the boomer moniker several times, all because I believe some things about the world that aren’t that popular with a certain set of people from my generation (for instance, I’m unabashedly pro capitalism

And Jeffrey Epstein didn’t commit suicide.

When you hear “Boomer” substitute “old person, because that’s how it’s used these days.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy 25-year olds preaching to you when you’re twice their age, too. 

So you’re walking in the desert, and you come across a tortoise...

Big fucking deal. Us lectroids have been walking amongst you Monkey Boys for 81 years now.

Um– ? What places can handle massive death and destruction? I want to know because I’d like to go live there.