
Yikes! Sounds like Canada needs to build a border wall to keep out boorish Americans.

There was plenty of classified information found, but none of it was purposefully transmitted through her private email system and it didn’t in any way rise to a level of systemic mishandling.

I am bitching about this. That’s the point.Suddenly the left is playing tit for tat. How about we get consistent? If it’s wrong for Hillary it’s wrong for everyone. Since it’s not wrong for Hillary why was this article written?

FWIW, there were two problems with Hilary’s server, the fact that it was a private server and violated Federal records laws, but the big issue was that she used a private non-secure server for emailing classified information. Does that mean this isn’t comically hypocritical? No. However there is a difference, and a

So it’s ok, right? Now why isn’t this article going over the same rationale everyone used to justify Hillary’s email server?

The word for pretty much everything Joe Biden says or does is, blunder. And I like Biden.

But he personally started all the wildfires

Wait wait wait, you fucking expect me to believe that in under four years, they -somehow- measured that people are dying earlier SOLELY due to a slight increase in air pollution? And you’ve managed to link this..scientifically?

There have been many predictions of apocalyptic doom, some of the most recent being ozone depletion, fossil fuel exhaustion, or overpopulation (“Soylent Green is People!”). All of these at one time were existential crises facing Humanity. The only way to avoid them was major changes in society.

If you do anything that doesn’t toe the Green New Deal line, then other Earther aggregators won’t let you drink lawn clipping smoothies with them for a week.

But that wouldn’t jive with the whole humans suck, we’re killing the planet, it’s too late, we’re all dead in 12 years anyway shtick-for-clicks.

We all need to start eating babies!!! We only have 11 years before our planet melt’s into the void of space..... Maybe we could try nuking the sun to cool things off???  It’s Trump’s fault the sun is so how now!!!! 

How many of these enraged activists still purchase or use products that contain petroleum?

No. It was an example. See how much plastic is around you. How much of it will be replaced? What will replace it?

So why don’t the activists invest in the technology required to overtake fossil fuels instead of demanding other people do it for them?

Not really. Manufacturing wise, we’ve already reached a point where economically green tech is finally feasible and efficient, and most utilities already got the message to switch over in order to get the carbon credits. None of you did this, and the reason you’re so negative and think the worlds going to end is

How many elements of our daily lives (even the most extreme climate activists’ lives) circle around fossil fuels?
Now, let’s look at how many elements of our lives depend on fossil fuel byproducts, especially plastic. How is that supposed to be replaced? Replaced by what? How fast? Take, for example, a Tesla. Sure, it

Most Americans aren't racist. His campaign ad isn't racist. He called her that right in front of native American veterans and they laughed. They weren't offended at all. They are offended at Elizabeth Warren lying about being native American. 

She has no native American heritage. The DNA test proves she doesn’t.

What native heritage? This story is what a year old, during the elections they dig up shit 30+ years old, by that standard this story is positively fresh.