
My my my, fiction can be fun! And here I thought this was a technology blog, and not some facist, political agenda pushing, waste of internet space blog that its turning into. Between this and Kotaku’s multiple occurances of false reporting, you’re entire network is now on my untrusted list. If I want false stories

The tds is strong here.

If only Trump would have hired a company like Fusion GPS, which had an insight into the Justice Department and used a foreign national to dig up dirt on a political opponent, then nobody would have cared (ie Fusion GPS was the company hired by Clinton and the DNC to dig up dirt on Trump. They hired Christopher Steele

Nice echo chamber, Matt. 

I love the hypocracy of the Dems... Obama can do it but Republicans can’t.

The bullshit being consumed and regurgitated is that which comes from you and your fellow fluffers. Thank god you lost in 2016 and will lose again in 2020, Trump took a magic wand to the economy and made happen what Obummer said was impossible, The country is on the right track after 8 years of the Imam. Real

If the Mississippi River were left to its own devices, it would’ve been captured by the Atchafalaya and no longer run through Baton Rouge and New Orleans. The trade off to prevent this is to occasionally open flood control structures like the Bonnet Carré Spillway (and various others upriver). Pick your poison.

Why?  Because her adult handlers told her to. 

I think it’s a shame that people need to making children think they won’t be alive soon if action is not taken. Horrible psychological terrorism against children.

It’s like I’m clairvoyant. Two days ago I called it- more kiddo activists coming forward when they see an opportunity for a little spotlight, some clicks, and some views for those Youtube channels.

hahahahah Some White House official told some lawyers that some dude that had a lawyer in the room....

Going to be Fucking hilarious!!

At least the Donald has great hairs.

As opposed to the typical refrain from the left?  Both sides use the same playbook.  The only difference is the language they use to pander to their side, and then blaming the other side for whatever headline is current..

Sorry, but Greta reminds me of the time my older sister scolded me for accidentally dropping a candy wrapper on the ground. I was around seven and she may have been eight or nine. She looks a lot like my sister did at that age. No, I’m not saying all swedes look alike. Jesus, I didn’t say that at all.

Come on bro, you could have left male pattern baldness out of this. 

Can you support the thought behind this - but still be annoyed by the child angrily shouting at the UN? It felt like watching the girl from Willy Wonka?

Sorry, kid. You do not have the right to ANYTHING!

Notice how they refuse to confront China or India.... the two biggest polluters in the world?