
don’t believe I’ve done that, but read into whatever you wish.  Your mind is made up already....just like most here.

great, thanks for playing.

again, can’t beat’em, go personal.  Way to go!

ok, fair enough. You’re correct, they are here illegally, send back.

wow, you have no idea....

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS - glad they failed in their attempt.

Even Obama said those jobs aren’t coming back. Well, they did. Thanks’s to another glorious 4 years.

not complete....maybe half. :-p 

oh ok, whatever you think.  BTW, have a Happy 4th!

Not hung up on Obama, just pointing out that it has been occurring for a while.

Yep, that low unemployment across demographics, high GDP, best economy is decades and respect around the world really sucks.  

Fox News got Trump elected, really?  You really should get your TDS checked out.  Me, I look forward to 4 more years! 

Do I support, no. What is your solution?

Have I helped, nope. You?  However, we elect those to fix / make the laws, not just weaponize. 

when you can’t beat them, go personal.  Awesome.

Did I say I wasn’t outraged? Oh, you assume. My point is it has been going on for a while. “Lawmakers” do nothing about it because it’s a nice political football to use to blame the other side. Nothing is done....elect me and I’ll fix, but they don’t because the power will now be gone.

oh you know, here and there.  Like most here...

no I just come here and bask in all the hate....

no, it’s not the entire Trump Administration.  It’s a political football by the outraged, but do nothing but blame the other side.  Pass the reforms and move on.

Sorry, you must go back further than 130 years.