As a Marine I can say Mad Dog is a great man, and of all the shit to come out of this hellish nightmare, he is someone I respect greatly. He is sane and he cares about people.
As a Marine I can say Mad Dog is a great man, and of all the shit to come out of this hellish nightmare, he is someone I respect greatly. He is sane and he cares about people.
My view is that they want to be taken more seriously by the rest of the world. Since Glasnost, people saw that they really didn’t have the might to put their money where their mouth is so to speak. They had aging and ineffective military equipment, and it really would have been awful for them had they actually gone to…
Whelp, my place on an intelligence list probably just shot up by a few levels but here you go:
A minor failure is when the engine doesn’t want to play by your rules.
Umm. Not really that big a deal. This actually happens fairly often. Those engines have two sets of counter-rotating fans that are generally one pigeon away from disaster. Lose one fan blade and the whole device is doomed. Designed to accept a SAM and keep plugging. The engine’s shell has only one job: contain the…
I don’t believe the Peacemaker’s jet engine complement was the major issue with it’s reliability though... it was the other six turbosupercharged oil leaks.
A military pilot called for a priority landing because his single-engine jet fighter was running “a bit peaked.” Air Traffic Control told the fighter pilot that he was number two, behind a B-52 that had one engine shut down. “Ah,” the fighter pilot remarked, “The dreaded seven-engine approach.”
AF has stated that the aircraft was not carrying weapons, so it actually could have completed its flight, hypothetically. As an interesting note, the B-36 Peacemaker bomber had such unreliable engines that the AF made it so the crew could not declare a mission abort if there was an engine failure. The airplane had six…
Correct. The F-22 flies combat sorties. The F-35 doesn’t do anything.
Maybe this is payback by Lockheed to get all the money they lost from the F22 back on the F35.
This... is actually kind of a genius idea (side note: still waking up, took me three tries to spell ‘genius’ right. Irony is a bitch). I would have appreciated something like this a couple of times in my old Grand Am during late ‘90s/early ‘00s Denver snowstorms- bastard would bog down at some intersection and I’d…
I mean we only hear about the tech they want us to hear about
Sounds like a fucking mess.
Clarifying a couple of things:
The Iowa would kick its ass right now in a one on one.
KING 22? Meh, that’s a normal CSAR callsign. My guess is they’re training.