“Leave our alliances, fall back on a nuclear first use policy.” Does he understand just how F’ing dangerous that is?
“A military coup to preserve democracy.” Yep, in the case of Turkey it wouldn’t be first time a coup transfered power to civilian authorities, nor the second, or the third... In Turkey this used to happen about once a decade.
Assumption operating on outdated data. Even the UH-1 had a shaky start. People often forget what new machinery based on new technology entails when commenting on failures.
There’s no evidence that the Osprey is any more dangerous than a normal helicopter. It had a rough start, but through significant workload since becoming operational it’s been pretty safe.
So is everyone else who perpetuates the lie that was written into the very first line of the Gizmodo article. Adam Clark Estes suffered a failure of critical thinking when he regurgitated that lie. Michael Nunez failed critically when he used Adam’s failure to cite that lie. Countless commentators then let the cycle…
Ted Cruz is that one guy on a night out who refused to get the bus with everyone else, and you’re stuck waiting around for him at the pub before the club for so long that you fuck off to the club (you call/text him and he doesn’t call back), only to get continuous texts with variations of “Where r u?” that you don’t…