
A single sneeze would spray more particulates into the air than his calm singing (or you know, talking).

When that penalty was called maybe two Chinese girls complained. They will never be equal to the men until they learn to intimidate refs in numbers approaching six, seven or eight players

Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

On a bicycle?

I’m a Californian and the distinction means little to me. That would be like if you said, “So and so was from San Francisco!” and me saying, “Um, actually, he was born in Oakland.”

I commend you for your patience.

I think the likely scenario is that he is a talented doctor who started out in media by doing informative segments on Oprah, but once he got his own show he “lost control of the machine” and succumbed to the pressure to “grow the business”, listen to his staff, fill airtime, and make bad business deals with sponsors.

If a tech writer isn’t the target audience, then who would be?

  1. “ready to get to work or have some fun, right out of the box.”

RTFA he mentions yota after the first image

this is embarrassing but i can’t lie to you: that was not on purpose.

I think in maths we assume a 1-dimensional string...

A smartphone is HUGE overkill for this task. The hobbyist drone builders have been using Arduino Megas for this for at least a few years. The smartphone does have the advantage of integrating all the required sensors, though, which may or may not save some weight.

Selfie Stick, in one's ass, that's the only way it can conceivably work.

Actually, politicians are a big club and they protect themselves. That's the reason she was allowed to get away with this. Dems, Republicans, other are all actually part of a single class that makes sure that certain protocols that benefit them all, like private email, is protected, because they don't want the same

Your statement implies data entered by a typewriter can't be lost, stolen, or manipulated. This whole article is about exactly that happening.

I messed around with that a couple weeks ago and couldn't get it going... if I can't figure something out right away I usually drop it and just bitch about it on the world wide web.

I proposed to my then girlfriend after we'd been dating a couple of months. She said 'no'. We broke up 18 years later.

The suspected shooter, a 54-year-old man named Mike Montana, was spotted leaving the scene in a white painting company van.

I think automating it is kind of counter to the point of this device, it's less of an audio effect and more of a performance element. Automating it would be like automating a wah wah pedal.