When that penalty was called maybe two Chinese girls complained. They will never be equal to the men until they learn to intimidate refs in numbers approaching six, seven or eight players
When that penalty was called maybe two Chinese girls complained. They will never be equal to the men until they learn to intimidate refs in numbers approaching six, seven or eight players
Selfie Stick, in one's ass, that's the only way it can conceivably work.
I proposed to my then girlfriend after we'd been dating a couple of months. She said 'no'. We broke up 18 years later.
The suspected shooter, a 54-year-old man named Mike Montana, was spotted leaving the scene in a white painting company van.
First league investigation of improperly deflated balls that didn't involve PED use.
Ohhhh. I thought the joke was that somebody from UMass-Lowell was being interviewed as an expert on TV.
You can be a bad head coach and a good assistant.
As soon as they give Josh Smith his walking papers, they win more games in their next six games (six) than they did in the first two months with him (five). Could it be possible he was even shittier in Detroit than the numbers suggested?
I love it so much when idiots accuse Gawker of constantly race-baiting, and then post comments to articles that have nothing to do with race, and don't mention race, and attempt to make it about race. And then fail to see the irony of it all.
Anyone notice how, for once, in one of Tyler's articles about the F-35, we don't see a thousand F-35 apologists saying that Tyler has no idea what he's talking about and hurling random ad hominem insults at him for daring to be real about the JSF?
That's because everyone at Lockheed is still out for the holidays. DOD…
The "I hate Doug DeMuro" meetings in Idaho are just a bunch of guys with lifted trucks and valet parking. Also, guns.
The biggest concern I have is that the victim died, now I don't have specific knowledge of the case but minutes and even seconds matter when it comes to physical trauma.
A joke only your screen name could love.
I know the Ford Blimp often self destructs, but isn't that in Toronto?
ZzZzZzZz This is completely a non-issue. DC comics just has to put out the claim for anything that is sort of close to their trademarked logo. It has all to do with how copyright laws work; pretty much if you have a copyright you need to challenge ANYTHING that is close or else you lose a lot of the strength to…
Hey, even a stopped clock is right two times a day.
How the heck can they expect a man to celebrate a ping-pong championship without a little racket?!
Of course scoring on Jets is easy for Denver players. Every single one of them is already a member of the Mile High Club.