The Ghost of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ AKA BabySteps

Brady Bunch did it first.

Get some glowsticks, a PA system and a crate of Absinthe and they can make the best of a bad situation.

Uh it is the goal so they can find some more brown people to label so they can fire up his demented base. I mean I am sure there is a qualified Trump voter that would’ve gotten into Northeastern if not for their 1.8 GPA and 800 SAT score. Oh is there still no difference between Trump & Hillary?

But not jade vaginal eggs from China.

don’t forget jade vaginal eggs!

Essential oils and crystals for everybody.

This is some scary-ass shit. I’m moving to Mars.

Wuhan Flu, Thanks For Everything!

Wuhan Flu ain’t nothin’ to fuck with.

I can tell by the current lack of a ban on all travel from Asia that FOX and Friends has not yet picked this story up. Soon, though.

did you know that movies for kids can also be good movies

Michael Caine made a rather famous quote about starring in Jaws 4: the Revenge:

Shouldn’t he like.. not supposed to be admitting that hes doing favors for a specific company? oh well

It seems to me what’s needed is a strong education campaign. Reach people through social media and Hulu, Youtube, and podcast ads. Make it huge like the smoking education campaign and it could work.

In 1991 a student at Churchlands Senior High School in Perth Western Australia murdered his ex-girlfriend in front of his entire English class. This is my old school where I had also gone back as a teacher for a while though I wasn’t working there at the time, and my brother was in the room and witnessed the entire

the fact that her unborn child was also robbed of his/her chance of reaching adulthood is an element of the heinousness of this crime. how recognizing this fact in charging/sentencing devalues the mother’s personhood is hard to see.

The reason he gave was that Rouhselang was too far along in her pregnancy to have an abortion by the time she informed Trejo she was pregnant.

Children shouldn’t murder their baby-mamas with kitchen knives just because they don’t want to be parents, then.

Phyllis Schlafly used nannies so she could concentrate on the career she denied she had. Her niece confirmed she used nannies.