The Ghost of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ AKA BabySteps

Well I wonder what we say to that lonely and not wealthy Mexican woman (or should I call her a client?) living in the US who was being manipulated into not only sending them her last dime and then borrowing money to continue the money transfers? I don’t remember if she was one of the people that was then passed onto

These companies have cocked this up royally!

Human beings seek justification in the strangest places for all sorts of things. Reading the parts that you pulled out reminded me of a documentary from Australia (I think it was Aus) that I watched on Youtube the other day. The doc was about internet scammers from Africa. At one point they traveled to . . . I think

Yes, the cloak of impunity sure does grease the wheels of continued criminal behavior.

I BELIEVE that they are new charges. But don’t quote me. Also, from what I remember, the deal that he made was ruled illegal because it violated some law that was passed that sought to involve victims in the dispensation of justice. It came out that while Acosta was working out the plea deal with this criminal he was

I prefer meaty rice myself. But to each his or her own I say.

It seems to even fail to guarantee safe spaces for black people. If they truly wanted to keep white people out and thereby ensure “safe spaces” then what they should have done is charge $4,000 per ticket or even $4,000,000 per ticket. Instead, their real intent seems to be to turn the tables and make whites feel

Brazile wrote that her move to Fox was “rooted in the belief that you cannot make progress, let alone reach compromise, without first listening to, and understanding those who disagree with you on critical issues.”

Shouldn’t it be “bone apple teat”?

Is that Aquaman?

Yea, we have a couple of these in Hyde Park in the last 5 years or so. 

again, indeed! (i’m trying to make “indeed” my thing.)


oh I should have looked down before posting my comment. 

“He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea,” the fundraiser continued.

I am looking at it very seriously.

You would think.

They were trying to say that they weren’t going to arrest him, this wasn’t an arrestable offense, and I went off on them,”