You would do the same if you had a dog that fluffy, Rebecca. Don't blame our fearless leaders for this one.
You would do the same if you had a dog that fluffy, Rebecca. Don't blame our fearless leaders for this one.
LOL weed does nothing for me save give me cotton mouth and make me paranoid. Give me all the opioids!
You know, there's a lot of garbage, but this world can be a pretty damn cool and surprising place.
Euthanizing the elderly would save money too, but when it comes to what's morally right, money shouldn't be a concern. As a civilized society we must protect living beings who can't take care and protect themselves.
That an abortion ban would end up costing taxpayers millions seems like common sense, but now there are numbers to…
Philosophy can be practical. Throughout history, some of the world's greatest minds used stoic philosophy to endure…
Nearly every activity you fear can turn into something that brings you joy. Don't believe it? There's proof. And…
Your spirit animal is a honey badger? That's nice. My spirit animal is Sigourney Weaver in a jumpsuit unleashing a…
"They accuse me of being a terrible person, but won't elaborate about exactly what I've done. Well, sometimes they do, but it doesn't make sense, at least to me."
There's something very DiCaprio about this.
This will show that Stripper who wronged me!
What has humanity come to. In the past we admired warriors for surviving wars and conquering land. Now we admire fat fucks for pretending to be other fat fucks.
Damn his voice is close.
So the correct answer is compulsory polygamy? Or enforced chastity? Or...?
It doesn't often factor into our discussions about sex and relationships that, within a relationship, you sometimes…
No no. I've been having alone time for years and years. I've had plenty of alone time. If I'm having orgasms, I'm just not very impressed by the whole deal. If what I think are orgasms are orgasms, they're not the mindblowing huge deal everyone seems to make of them, they're usually just a moderately pleasant…
So sometimes, I just like to make noises, faces, whatever, that could be interpreted as faking an orgasm but aren't meant to be, they're just what I feel like doing. Things feel good, I don't think I'm orgasming (but maybe I am; honestly I have no idea what an orgasm is supposed to feel like), and that's my response.…
YOU have to know what gets you in the zone. You have to know what gets you off.