The Fine Print

Most people have no idea what it’s like or what they’re dealing with when it comes to stalkers until it's too late to do anything about it. Trying to “let them down easy” is a huge mistake most first-time stalking victims make. Stalkers are unstable, it doesn't matter how you approach them.

I feel for her. Stalking is a source of chronic stress. Nobody wants to be made to feel THAT vulnerable, which is exactly what having someone post all your info online for anyone to see will cause one to feel. It’s trolling on a personal level.

Heh- white people.

Then i must still be part 13-14 year old boy cause I will always love "I Miss You!!!"

I think she's saying concessions/sacrifices don't feel as such because of how outweighed they are by what's gained. I agree.

They still all look like aliens when they first come out. They look how i feel when i didnt get enough sleep.

I've read that there is a huge release of endorphins after giving birth meant to create a strong chemical attatchment . From what i read, it helped ensure the survival of our species. Life was hard for early humans and babies didnt make things easy. The attatchment ensured parents would keep the kid despite hard

This is a fucking sales ploy. Yea. Creat a "problem" for which you have a product. Go fuck yourselves!

I have a question for all those people who say its ok to get married to someone with a personality opposite your own. What about the importance of each party being able to read and understand one another? Its okay if his likes don't totally align with one another, but i think being able to understand how the other

Always glad to see people acknowledge that not everything a man does is because "his penis said so."

I feel like you're seeking advice on something, but are afraid to say what.

Its antifeminist to act like a porn star solely for his pleasure. The motivation is what makes it antifeminist. If you do what you do because you're inspired to, thats fine. But if you're putting on a show because its what you've seen girls in pornos do and gather thats what guys like (without regard for your own

Our "sex-crazed culture" is an extension of hook-up culture. Which is an extension of youth culture. Which is a positive spin term created to make stupidity seem sexy.

Female anatomy, to some extent, is to blame. If all the nerve endings that make up a clitoris were in the vagina, child birth would be way more painful. I've read survey after survey saying the vast majority of women masterbate and do so to achieve orgasm. I think most chicks know what an orgasm feels like, even if

I can understand if , for whatever reason, a women isn't focused on reaching an orgasm every time. I dont think its judgmental to be suspicious of girls who are totally at peace NEVER having an orgasm with their partner because "its not worth it." An orgasm during intercourse is one of the most hardcore experiences