
Sexy Teen Drama Shaggy: “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m scared. I’m a scaredy-cat. I’m not brave. And I don’t want to be brave. Have you ever seen me without this scared talking dog?”

Bold of you to think this’ll make $100. 

You know, politics being so boring that comedians just make boring jokes about it sounds nice.

Journalists sitting in the same room as politicians and pretending to be nice is something that we all should find horrifying.

I really want to see someone recut the new Dune with the Toto score.  I don’t hate the new score but it felt like it only had one hook and it was that “Loud lady sings nonsense lie Yoko Ono” thing that go old after the tenth time it kicked in when Paul did something “mystical”

You know, the phrase “satire is dead” gets wheeled out a lot, but fuck me, we came close with...

The day when he sharts his last shart and shuffles away to that big McDonalds in the sky will be the biggest party of all time.

Gen Z isn’t going to understand this joke at all.

Yeah, I doubted that for a second too, but if there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that the people as Sesame Street know how to count.

 - The AV Club, circa 2004

I just imagined for a second a Zack Snyder version of ‘The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ and the mere concept made my soul leave my body.

“Noted Arsehole Shows Whole Arse With Rebel Moon”.

Speaking as somebody who’s not a big horror fan: It’s genuinely one of my favorite horror movies.

The should have ponied up for Clara Peller.

It’s worth it just for being a piece of film history, just because you might as well see what catapulted the found footage horror genre into prominence. It’s actually much better than most of the contrived found footage slop that followed. 

I liked it a lot, thought it was quite effective.


It’s decent, but one of the big selling points when it originally came out, and a big part of why it made so much money, is that they marketed it as being REAL found footage. I never saw it in the theater, so by the time I did watch it, obviously everyone knew it was all fake (which, duh, of course it was, but it was

I re-watched it recently with a friend who’d never seen it, and I’d say if nothing else it’s one to watch as a touchstone, because it influenced so much of the found footage genre that came after it. It’s got its charms, too, if you can accept that the characters are supposed to be unlikeable dipshits. Personally my