
yeah, isn’t is pronounced “eee-aye-eee-ayn”?

Seriously, looking at these comments you’d think people with food allergies were a massive lobbying bloc rather than a group trying not to need their epipens.

I see what you did. You won’t pull the wool over my eyes that easy.

Sounds like argyle didn’t really sock it to the competition. They really sweatered over it. 

Well, there is a tradition of weird original Dune poetry. “Put the pick in there, Pete, and turn it round real neat!”



Still, it was an unconventional choice for ‘Babe 2: Pig in the City’.

I’m pretty sure Girls Gone Wild would’ve been pretty pointless without the nudity.

User name...something something. 

I was a teenager when this show was on the air.  I saw many episodes, and they were all terrible.  But, I wasn’t watching for the show’s quality... if you know what I mean...

You are certainly engaging with the show on the level that was always intended.

Interestingly, no one is exactly sure who those analysts are either.

I once watched a marathon of it while I was taking the day off work due to being sick as hell on a dark, drizzly Tuesday, and that was the perfect atmosphere for just letting Charmed happen to me.

I’d rate it a few Cs


Cheap and cheesy, full of bad acting. Not completely without its charms (sorry) but I'd only watch it if you are in the market for a seriously cut-rate Buffy.

Not good exactly, but entertaining in a cheesy kind of way. I was a huge Rose McGowan fan, so I didn’t really start watching regularly until she was in it.