
Some good zingers in the comments, but this is the one that slayed me.

She’s a surfer and she’s not allowed to surf with men or post photos in a bathing suit? Are you kidding me? That goes way beyond boundaries. He’s asking her to change who she is so he doesn’t feel insecure.

“The cretins browsing & tweeting…”

We sure are in the timeline that got dropped off the changing table multiple times. There surely can’t be a dumber one in this infinite universe.

Mission Impossible XXV: Get off my lawn!

While we’re at it, I’ve got this great idea for making movies stand out from steaming and home viewing!

The real solution is to make movie attendance mandatory. You want your precious “social services”? Well, you better have your ticket stub to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: The Next Generation’ on you, or you don’t get squat!

Or you diversify where you are releasing movies to meet your audience where they are. Ruby Gillman would probably be having a much better weekend if it had been a PVOD release.

Somebody should make a show about two rival intimacy coordinators falling in love while making a steamy Disney+ series 

It also doesn’t help that I had literally no idea the film was out.

I’ll be sad to be without this show, but I think they’ve got the right idea. Season 1, they have a goal driven by grief and encounter hardship in working toward it. Season 2, they battle through their personal low points but come together to achieve their goal from season 1. If season 3 is about how they come to terms

I mean, if it wants to plough through the US at roughly the 31st parallel, then take a left at about 87 degrees West Longitude, we might be better off.

According to the speech by the science nerd at the beginning of the movie, the Titanic itself could have plowed through icebergs (“If they had just hit it head on”), and it was the fact that they tried to turn that caused the disaster, opening up so many levels 

Yeah, but, this (and the raft) wasn’t meant to be magic/divinity. If the Ark had been sitting there and he climbed into that and survived a nuke, I don’t think anyone would complain.

Flash Bored ‘em

Meanwhile, in Argentina:

“The Flush!”

Moviegoing Public To Warner Bros.: “Your Flash Ain’t Nuthin’ But Trash”

“Barry Fallen”

Flash No Smash: Franchise Dreams Up in Ash as Critics Bash and Marvel Rival Rakes in More Spider-Man Cash