
I mean, we’re going to get The Day the Clown Cried in June, 2024, so - using that as a metric - you’ll probably get Batgirl in 2074. You can wait another 51 1/2 years.

While the American pilot of Sailor Moon isn’t as culturally significant as, say, Nosferatu, this story emphasizes the importance of independently-run archives to preserve works that were buried or destroyed by their rights holders. Especially with our digital products being stored largely on remote cloud servers owned

Single Female Lawyer!

Grab em by the Busey!

It’s rather funny that this has a bigger legacy than the show itself, since Ally McBeal never had much of a syndicated rerun life.

Richard Edson, who played one of the valet guys, had the coolest career. He had parts in Do The Right Thing, Platoon, and Stranger Than Paradise, and he was the original drummer for Sonic Youth. 

They don’t say it’s a comedy, so I guess it could just as easily be a murder spree.

You mean this shit won’t help me win the lottery?

He looks like a guy who will not shut up about the fact he owns a boat. 

Gordon has been getting fat off those public access residual checks for too long.

The Catalina Island of British Columbia!

...there was a “controversy” about that comment of hers? Huh? Why? People suck. 

“here’s a picture of my dress at the show where we are apparently assaulting people on stage now.

As someone currently spiraling down a mental health crisis hole, I can only wish Miller the best and hope they get the help they need. Thankfully for them, money helps when it comes to treating mental illness. I’m broke, so I’m pretty much fucked. Oh well.


Maybe he could make this a tv show. VJ and the Bear

As of today, it doesn’t sound like law enforcement knows much about a potential motivation behind the attack,

I think Star Wars fans are, sooner or later, just gonna have to come to grips with the fact that the first three were lightning in a bottle, and just because something is legally part of the same IP doesn’t mean it can’t be shit.

Now playing

I went backstage after a lot of concerts during my record store days and meeting Danny Elfman after a brilliant Oingo Boingo concert in Royal Oak was far and away the high point of those years. He was incredibly nice and generous. He had just started doing soundtracks, which was where he said he wanted his career to

Incredible interview. So many cool touchpoints. Beetlejuice and NIN were permanent residents of my CD shuffler as a teenager, blows my mind they hadn’t even contacted each other until recently.