This whole episode is going to end with Zazlav flying away on a billion dollar golden parachute while Disney announces a series of movies featuring their newly acquired Looney Tunes characters, isn’t it?
This whole episode is going to end with Zazlav flying away on a billion dollar golden parachute while Disney announces a series of movies featuring their newly acquired Looney Tunes characters, isn’t it?
They should’ve made a movie about The Flesh instead. He’s super strong AND super naked!
Perhaps I’m being unrealistic but I hope this lawsuit ends with Elon Musk going to prison for life somehow.
“Prior to 2007, no one had seen an Echidna ejaculate.”
Man, they’re going to have a hard time replacing Pat Sajak...
How much boogey-ing actually occurs in this new Boogeyman film? The last few have left me cold.
Marge: Will you stop saying “Ted Lasso” so much?
“Tonight on The Christ Watchers network...”
I was able to screen test for this but afterwards I heard back that WB doesn’t want a “fat, ugly, stupid-looking Superman with bladder control problems.”
Arnold, if you’re reading this:
“I survey the room carefully, then RACK FOCUS to TRUMAN calling me a ‘cry-baby’ to my face. Deeply insulted, I SMASH CUT to myself, crying like a baby.”
“Et tu, Mary-Kate?”
In many countries, the gift of a frozen porkchop is considered an act of war.
It’s too bad Tarantino hasn’t seen Ryan Reynolds’ latest Netflix film, because it’s about a foot fetishist who finds a magic lamp and wishes for the world’s supply of beautiful feet and he’s pretty much in heaven the entire time.
I killed a lot of time as a kid just surfing satellites to see what was out there. “Oh look, a California State Lottery feed with a really shitty looking CGI dog. Let’s watch this for an hour. And hey, here’s twenty variations on the same Bobby’s World ad.
*chef’s kiss*
Martin Scorsese doesn’t need to defend his long
*Trebek gets a note from off-screen, reads it* “People, remain calm. The Falkland Islands have just been invaded. I repeat, the Falklands have just been invaded!”