The Feminine Context

Thanks for sharing this. I hope more people read your story and take a minute before jumping to judge this woman with very little being known at this point.

Amen, sister. Come. The. Fuck. On. Why is this by prescription only? It's not like we haven't been shoving tampons into our hoo-has forever. I'm pretty sure we could figure this out. Sigh.

Lady Vengeance is probably the best movie I've seen in 5 years.

I love that the best insult you can think of is to suggest I am having so much sex I got the clap.

They didn’t. He sat back and watched his humor making fun of and pointing out racism being used as a pass to say racist shit and was like “woahhhhhhhhhh fuck that noise I’m out.”

You couldn’t afford my ass and I give that shit away for free.

you’re right I am wrong this comment is why no one wants to fuck you ever.

Every single thing about this comment is why no one wants to fuck you ever.

Somehow I resisted.

I have a real hate for that woman. My excuse is FUCK YOU.

If I were Sofia I would eat those fucking embryos on toast like they were fucking caviar.

To be fair, my reaction to EVERY set of suchnots is "ewwww what is that?!"

Dear Bros,

"I should have manned up and I should have fought for you," Blandford says. "And I didn't. I didn't. I am so grateful that you are in Heaven with Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and that you got to see him before I did. And I know you're going to extend me grace, but I just—it would've been so cool to

I know it sounds impossible, but its totally possible to not know you are pregnant for a long time. I didn't know til I was about six months along. I had a total of four home pregnancy tests tell me that I wasn't, and I took them pretty spaced out over the course of 24 weeks. I have endometriosis and the wind can blow

@KatCallahan, @stopbeingterribleandillstopbeingmean: I just want to say how happy it makes me when this type of conversation actually goes where it's supposed to and everybody ends up understanding each other and the situation a little better. It seems like a complete fucking miracle every time.

Well, your job puts you in a position to get buffeted by the winds of thousands of crazy strangers' exaggerated feelings, because as a society we feel comfortable attacking someone and expressing outrage toward them if we perceive them to be any kind of a public figure, and then being on the Internet makes us

I'm probably in the minority in that I liked it. It was stupid and messy and self destructive... which is all too human.

Ok, so I went to Dartmouth and I knew Lohse and his friends while I was there. I can't verify or deny his claims about SAE hazing, as I was not a member, but I can comment on him: the man is a straight up, classical sociopath. He is charming and charismatic and probably a smart guy, but he has only taken this

I'm fairly certain she looks terrible on purpose. If she was doing this accidentally, she should have lucked into at least a "not bad" by now.