
I don't think I am alone in appreciating his work, both comedy and drama (often intermingled). Don't think I will be able to unpack his suicide due to depression for a while considering I have dealt with depression consistently for 20 years. That disease has the perseverance to bring down the best of us is all I

Awful, terrble news. He struggled with depression & addiction for years. More proof that mental illness does not discriminate. He had the world's adoration, a loving family & resources far beyond what the average person has and still lost the battle. I hope that someday we treat mental illness as the devastating thing

So, Registered Sex Offenders can't live near schools, but CAN play on their football teams. Makes sense.

I've been using this burner to interact with Gawker media sites since the day Gawker started offering burner accounts. I was starred on Gawker proper, back when that was still a thing (sigh), and generally endeavor to behave like a human being, despite the pleasing pseudonymity.

In NO OTHER PROFESSIONAL INDUSTRY is it acceptable to let your workers be subjected to repeated, targeted pornography and violence. I have NEVER worked a job staffed by the kind of people who would stand idly by — it would be one fat lawsuit after another up everyone's asshole and an HR nightmare, to boot.

Jezebel has always attracted far more numerous and vitriolic trolls and harassers than any other GM site. There are a lot of twisted, angry people out there who are particularly enraged when women speak in public. In the star days I would often flit around on Deadspin, Gawker, IO9, and look at their pinks. There were

I'd also like to add that burners also create an environment in which many regular commenters/community members are harassed by problem folks. The trolling that happens on the main page also happens on the community sites (groupthink for Jezebel, but I'm sure it happens elsewhere on other kinja blogs) and often takes

There are not only "two choices" - there is a third choice, which is keep pushing until Gawker stops abdicating its legal responsibility to keep their workplace from being a hostile work environment for its employees, and if necessary, take the complaint to the EEOC. I fail to see how quitting is the answer. This

I used to reply quite a bit in Jezebel, but this latest iteration of Kinja has been a troll fest. It's not even worth it anymore, so I rarely post. I'm probably not the only one.

There are possible solutions/mitigation methods for this issue - putting a waiting period on created burner accounts before they can post images, limiting the number of images that can be posted on a burner account within a certain period of their creation, etc. - but I doubt Denton is willing to do anything that

"I see you tried to work behind the scenes to fix this problem and got stonewalled for months, but have you considered working behind the scenes to fix this problem?"

The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.

I think the opening scene with adult Peter is also to demonstrate how much being in space with the Reavers had changed him considering it's mentioned in the prologue he got into a fight with other kids for being cruel to frogs, yet now he doesn't think twice about it because he's an asshole. At first, anyway.

Don't get me wrong, there are lots of reasons to snub one's nose at a barn wedding. For one, it is trendy as fuck. I happened to be at the beginning of the trend for my friends, luckily, but they are all super tired of barn weddings now, I'm sure.

I appreciate that you took some time to read the source, but honestly, I do still find it concerning that your initial reaction when reading an article saying that someone was raped is to think, nah, she probably wasn't really raped. You might want to examine where that's coming from.

Can we just go with "never?" It is NEVER ok to leave children or animals locked in a hot car. COME ON, people. This is Texas. Heat indexes are expected to reach 105 today, you could bake cookies on the windshield of your car. And it's just gonna stay this way until October. We ALL know this. We go through this EVERY

"However, as Jezebel reported, Faircloth had a long history of making contradictory statements online[...]"

One more thought — A TRADITIONAL WEDDING CEREMONY IS MEANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE SOMETIMES YOUR RELATIONSHIP WILL SUCK. That's why you promise to love and live with the person even if you get sicker or poorer, or things get all-around worse. I know we've all heard those words so often we don't quite register what they mean,