Why are racists always so convinced that everyone is exactly like them? No Gary, we're not all hypocrites. Some of us really just don't have those words in our vocabulary.
Why are racists always so convinced that everyone is exactly like them? No Gary, we're not all hypocrites. Some of us really just don't have those words in our vocabulary.
Leave your phone, your purse or your wallet next to the kid, in the back. Leave a bear or plush something in the passenger seat that you then sit in the car seat when you take the kid out.
Oh go fuck yourself.
A Pennsylvania woman died last Saturday while serving a two-day sentence for truancy that would have erased $2,200…
There's surprisingly little action, it's mostly about Maleficent's relationship with the world and Aurora. The action scenes rely on a lot of CG effects, but that's not what I remembered about the movie.
It takes a special kind of guy to listen to story after story about men abusing and violently attacking women, and come away with the thought, "Goddamn! This might affect my ability to pick up chicks!"
Seriously. I fucking hate when people are like "no, my dog's cool, he's just gonna wander around the yard while I tool around in the garage," and then I walk past with my two territorial-as-fuck dogs on leashes and that asshole's dog mosies over to say hello.
Just so you know, some people have a shape (with visible ribs/bones) naturally. Body shaming in all its forms - denigrating someone's body or saying someone is 'ugly' just because of their body type, especially when you don't know their actual health status - should be avoided. So, on one hand, we shouldn't be pushing…
Color correction really isn't that big of a deal.
"Women can oppose rape until we're blue in the face, but as long as rapists can look at other men and see indifference or active support, they're going to remain emboldened. Look, women can rescue themselves through political activism on nearly all feminist issues. Women got themselves the vote. But when it comes to…
You can say it would be better to focus on the story of the victim, but her name is not open to the public and she hasn't really told her story or made it available. That's totally her choice, but I can't fault Pitt for going after the story that is available and has its own set of issues.
Assuming that this is a "white knight" story is just that: an assumption.
I think any attention paid to this case is a good thing. I'm going to give Mr. Pitt the benefit of the doubt. He produced 12 Years a Slave after all and I doubt he is going to gloss over anything. He's a solid producer who makes great thought provoking films/television shows.
Haven't people long been arguing that in order to battle 'rape culture', we need more people willing to come forward and say 'that's not cool' when they see bad behavior?
Is kissing someone on the lips without their consent really "awesome?"
I would agree with this, except this isn't the platform at all. The whole thing began to open a discussion on the Washington Redskins and their shitty foundation. Which, from reading the comments, still isn't getting a lot of shit.
On a more serious note, I think there's also an element of perceived agency and control in this kind of shaming. That is, a porn video follows a predictable pattern of fake moaning, facials, and other things that are usually for the sake of the Male Gaze. On the other hand, with a porn star as a normal person doing…
I suspect it shatters the fantasy for many of them. The girl that they're watching on their computers doesn't just live on the screen, she's an actual living, breathing person who is at their school... and she still won't fuck them in real life.
And I'm sure the reason the 2nd staffer approached her was just a miscommunication on the part of the staff, not some coordinated intimidation strike.
God Hates Fred Phelps.