
So I'm going to just assume that this "approved" biopic will ignore her letting people suffer rather than give them pain medication, her hypocrisy in denying patients proper medical care while flying off to California clinics, her cozying up to dictators like Duvalier, her organization's forceful baptisms of dying

I think that she might be singing in some places. You can hear her breathing especially during the dance portion.

Can we be clear about the Love Actually scene? Dude's been hiding his feeling for his friend's wife, she stumbles on it accidentally, he tries to make a clean break with an odd gesture, she kisses him, he walks away from it saying "enough now" and it's over. He did not kiss her. I feel like lately folks have been

I don't think it makes you sound like an asshole. Part of male privilege is the semi-conscious belief that men are the arbiters of reality. Rationally, many men know that women have different experiences than they do but just as many believe, deep down, that they'd handle those experiences better. It wouldn't bother

I know it's probably not a popular opinion, but I'd rather someone in a successful relationship tell me about relationships. Is Jones actually in a long-term relationship with anyone right now or is she still feeling out Colin Jost?

I think it's always easier to see some movement/ideology/whatever as a giant hive mind when you're sitting outside of it. Hell, I used to think that about Jezebel before I started hanging out here.

Every time Polanski is mentioned people mention that he's a hideous rapist. Every time.
And the fact that Polanski, Russel, & Allen are hideous, doesn't make Brown less of an abusive asshole.

My search for an unknown island with no electricity and few natural disasters continues.

A married-in family member is life-long Buddhist, so that was my first experience exposure to it. Then I also had some back issues and worked with a holistic acupuncturist who recommended some books that really sparked it for me (I'm a reader when I really want more info. about something). A good start for me was: A

ALL women have curves. All people have curves. For some bizarre reason we've twisted the term "curve" to mean something other than a curved line, which is lame. Human bodies are fun to draw because of all the curves, no matter what they're body type/weight/etc.

A grumpy figure artist

I've been sliding into depression since 1996.

Back in the olden days when kids got new sneakers they'd tie them to the rear bumpers of their cars and drive around for a while to achieve this look.

You have absolutely no idea why the Romney family adopted. I hate Romney, but to suggest that this adoption was motivated to gain "cred" is outrageous and offensive to all adoptive families, who hear this shit ALL THE TIME, even if they aren't public figures. Seriously awful comment.

Most programs that successfully help people learn to do pullups don't use the assistance machines, things like inverted rows and negatives work way better for learning to do the exercise.

Sweet Lord, it takes like 5 seconds to find the Lyrics to the kenny G thing. yes, it's still kind of bullshit, but he did NOT use the same audio. He used the successful lift off audio. Not the announcement of the disaster.

Are you aware that the widow of Zeppelin threatened to sue Led Zeppelin for their use of that photo and the name? There was criticism of the cover.

The NASA clip adds nothing to the actual song—sure, it's about living and loving in the moment, and it's a great song in itself, but the clip is a jarring beginning, especially given the video that follows is Beyonce and a crew of actors having a great summer night at Coney Island.

Anyone noticed the "Eat cake Anna Mae" in Drunk in Love? Anyone remember where that came from? or who Anna Mae is? Remember Ike and Tina? Distasteful should be the name of Bey's latest album at this rate....

Beyonce is a narcissist. You are wasting your time asking for an apology, and wasting it if you are defending her. You don't exist in her world.

I have been catching up on news after being in the dark over the holidays but I did read the first post about this the other day and was, quite honestly, baffled by some of the responses.