
I always wondered why the beautiful Nikki Cox felt compelled to get all that unnecessary plastic surgery. I think I finally got my answer.

My sister's sister in law works for Target Corporation. According to my sister, the sister in law, who isn't even involved with customer service, was watching her phone and email the whole time they were celebrating Christmas together. Apparently most of her co-workers were working around the clock, including on

This is kind of how I feel when I come across the "female doctor" debate.

If you have no idea how to write women, write a male character then change the name and pronouns. Look at that, your female characters became people. It's magic!

CONFESSION: I am a pretty small sized person and when I was living in Australia I used to fly a lot for work. I found that my small size was take advantage a lot by big dudes and armrest hoggers and because I am kinda petty and the novelty has well and truly worn off air travel for me, I used to deliberately eat a it

One has to give respect to Sleepy Hollow in that three of the five main characters are black. And moreso that they are not required to be black by the story in any way; they just happen to be black. And that one of the leads is both black and a woman. AND that she is not in a love triangle or sharing sexual

Health conscious people still drink OJ? I thought that was pure sugar, AKA literal poison?

It's photoshop. Look at the blurry edges in the middle of her eyebrows. I don't blame her, I photoshop stuff out of my son's pics all the time. Not changing his appearance, but hair/hockey bruises/stains on clothes type stuff.

...really not an accurate statement of what that summary seems to say. My understanding from a quick scan was that eating 600 extra calories and burning off 200 through exercise is healthier than only eating 400 extra calories even though the net is the same.

Never mind, I didn't read it correctly myself. Yeah, I agree, 45 minutes is not a "Teensy bit" of exercise- I think it's supposed to be in "in contrast to the huge amounts of food eaten." So basically, if you don't vastly overindulge in the first place, you don't have to up your exercise either?

Size 8 is plus size? Ahem.

Maybe we shouldn't put people who entertain us on pedestals in the first place?

The writing is on point. It's smart. It's everything that's embarrassing and stupid and lovable about over-earnest liberals. It's subtly hilarious and visually pretty. It slowly morphs into a corporate thriller. It should never have been canceled.

Are you guys anti science or what? This was an extremely expensive longitudinal study, not a fat shaming exercise. Good grief.

Of course you shoudn't be a cunt to someone strictly because of their weight. That's stupid, ignorant, and unnecessary.

But having a conversation, on a site that encourages conversation, about health/weight issues isn't shaming. It's bringing a topic to the table that we need to be talking about. Obesity-related

I have no idea why Jez is SO excited at the idea that by one measure of a known-obesity-consequence some minority of obese people may not be as great a risk. That's not exactly exciting. This helps give a bit more perspective…

A clear indicator for a persons' long term health is whether or not they're overweight. So it's time to stop lying to women and telling them that if they're 100 pounds overweight it's ok. No it's not. People can deny the facts but then again people also deny climate change and evolution. Most smokers don't die of lung

There is a real problem with obesity and poor eating in this country (and others). If there is a similar epidemic of unhealthy underweight people for reasons attributed solely to diet and a sedentary lifestyle, people would write about that as well.