
You're going to get flamed for this, mostly because of your wording, but I think it's an important point that people don't acknowledge because fat shaming is so dominant in our culture that the need to confront it overweighs the discussion of the ramifications of an obese nation.

There is so much missing information, even in the linked story. Is the child's father involved? What role did this woman's family play during her 5 week commitment in the psychiatric facility? How far along was she when she had the c-section? Had she gone into labor? What was the medical explanation for the c-section?

When I used to work Thanksgiving and Black Friday, both were optional and I was paid time and a half. And since I needed the money more than I needed to suffer through my family, I was thankful for the opportunity to make money.
That said, fuck employers who force their employees to work on Thanksgiving. But when it's

You definitely see it in New York, too, especially people helping other people with strollers up and down the subway stairs. (Surprising truth: we really are pretty friendly and helpful!) The thing with doors is, I think, a lot of the time if you've never tried it yourself, you don't realize how tricky it can be!

I really don't understand why anyone's surprised by this. They're businesses and they'd do anything to maximise their profits. It makes all kinds of sense. Actually, nothing else makes any sense. Yet people continue to blindly believe that for-profit companies have the public's best interest at heart. It's like

I'm giddy! These adults who valued football over a young girl are the worst people in the world. I hope the are ruined. Ruined!

The paper also found an effect against simple body mass not just BMI. That paper advises a cut-off of 70kg for levonorgestrel EC rather than the 75-80kg HRA Pharma is using.

Hmm, now I am wondering does any pill work on women who are over 165 and black? Sounds like I am pretty much up shits creek without a paddle. Thanks limited trials! Thanks biased practices in pharmaceutical testing!

Cue the reactionary idiots complaining about what other people are saying that actually hasn't been said...

"American manufacturers..., wouldn't comment on whether they'd be making the same recommendation to their consumers."

The copper IUD can be used as emergency contraception. However, it's a hell of a lot more expensive, time consuming, and painful than just taking a pill.

Geez, are you kidding? This really kicks home to me some of the points that have been made around here recently about how medicines are tested.

That's sorta what I thought.... Like she'd really admit it? C'mon. Zaha, you old dawg, we're onto you. *pinch*

if she admits its a giant vagina it probably wouldnt get built...once its finished shell change her tune..big fucking vagina in the middle east...subversive...

You ever notice that nobody ever comments on the endless flow of phallic shaped buildings? New York and Chicago are even locked in a battle over largest skyscraper (read that biggest phallus) right now. No mention of penises anywhere in that story. But build one vaguely vaginal stadium and society threatens to

Maybe you should look at the context before making accusations of double standards. People haven't been replying to spicsetc because he is an obvious troll and trolls thrive on attention, not because they don't see anything wrong with his utterly and completely vile comments. Do you really think it would have been

If the server was me, he was gay, and he thinks Evie Havok is fucking asshole homophobe for throwing around the word "cocksucker."

I work in the extremely high end luxury world. I have worked in fashion and jewelry. I now work for one of the top jewelers in the world and this baffles me still. I have personally never ever seen blatant disregard for someone based on their race. We are taught to leave all judgements at the door or there will be