Same here. Long, pink and shimmery.
Same here. Long, pink and shimmery.
Clearly this law needs to be changed. How the fuck does this man's intentions matter more than this woman's reality?
We all have to deal with the biological reality of our bodies. Congrats on making decisions for yourself like an adult.
It's amazing, isn't it? I tend to use gender neutral profile names on the web for that reason. Except on Jezebel. I used to post here with a name people assumed was male and was treated very differently. One poster even told me (after she realized I was female) that she used to scroll past my posts without reading…
Not to nitpick- but he has three kids, not one.
Christ. Doug is going to need trauma counseling after working here.
Dreams do come true! It's never too late! sobs
I've never understood why doctors and Hospitals don't just perform the necessary treatments in cases like this. I mean, I understand that they can't just go around giving medical care gratis all the time because they'll go bankrupt- but as a doctor how do you look this kid in the eye and tell her she's on her own when…
Apparently Fox has made it known that they want diverse casts on their network. They say it makes for better ratings and more money. Pretty cool. Makes me think things really are starting to shift. Critical mass is on it's way when there's money to be made.
This study doesn't really seem to be about weight at all. It's about metabolic health. That said, if you want to lose weight you need to calculate your BMR and TDEE, count calories and eat at a deficit.
Somebody didn't bother to read the article before commenting, did they?
Except that it says the line starts at a US 8.
Interesting. Fashionista says they go to 16 now. I checked their size chart and it does go up to a US16 but I couldn't actually find any items in it. I dunno!
I don't get this at all. Their regular line apparently goes to a size 16. So their "plus size" line (size 8? Are you fucking kidding me?) only adds 2 sizes they didn't carry before. That's pathetic. I feel like they're trolling us.
Breaking News: Nobody's perfect.
On the contrary. I've just had the displeasure of meeting some crazy fucking cats.
A cat would have jumped on top of her when she was down, clawed her eyes out, and then spit on her. Cats are evil.
Funny, cause that is actually the dress she wore to her wedding.
You would think they'd control for that though, right?