I just have to brag for a second here: Over the past year I've lost just under 100lbs. I just checked my BMI and it's 24.9. I'm technically not 'overweight' anymore!! Wahooooo!!
I just have to brag for a second here: Over the past year I've lost just under 100lbs. I just checked my BMI and it's 24.9. I'm technically not 'overweight' anymore!! Wahooooo!!
Um, I don't think 50 Shades is to blame for fanfic's bad rep.
We need to stop talking about this as if the problem is obesity itself. The problem is our collective diet and the havok it wreaks on our metabolism. The so-called Obesity Epidemic is actually a Metabolic Epidemic which effects fat people and thin people alike.
I... how can this possibly be true?
Deepest sympathies.
Americans still believe in Right of Conquest. And actually, many Native American tribes do/did as well.
You've brilliantly pointed out one of the worst aspects of American culture. Well done!
I've never been so happy for Blue Laws before.
I guess this is weird, but when I see these photos I always assume the baby isn't actually there and these are just photo ops to trick the paparazzi and keep the public appetite satiated. Cause who would actually haul their baby around like this?
Err, you know Keys had data for 22 countries, right? He selected data to fit his theory. He was a fraud.
You know how this came into being, right? You've heard of the McGovern Report? Who do you think McGovern was listening to at these hearings? And they've let these myths persist for 3+ decades since. And FYI, studies have shown that by and large Americans have complied with these recommendations. The foods kids are…
I believe it. They also design trials to create favorable outcomes rather than for accuracy. Scientific Method be damned. It's all about the bottom line. Health care and profit don't mix.
If you're going to continue to respond to me without actually looking at any of the links I gave you this is pointless. You can't actually understand my criticism- which is that bad science (if you can even call Ancel Key's '7 countries' study science) went unquestioned, became dogma, and caused massive health…
Sorry about your Mom. Like I said, I haven't done a lot of reading specifically about that yet. And I definitely don't have a scientific background so I don't really have anything to offer you. I am familiar with the keto/ketosis/ketone diet though, and would point you in the direction of r/keto, which despite being…
Re: conventional wisdom, I just thought it was funny that you chose to respond to someone complaining about the medical establishment with "facts" from the medical establishment.
lol. So you choose to give me all the conventional wisdom on this stuff. Hilarious.
Antibiotics and vaccines are wonders. You are right about that. But Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes-they haven't got that stuff figured out yet. But they damn sure think they do. The dietary recommendations made by the medical establishment in the 1970s (and the food pyramid from the 90s) in all likelihood directly…
One can make a good argument that the medical establishment helped create the many of the medical problems which big pharma is treating in the first place. It's not cynicism at it's worst. It's cynicism at its best. Science demands cynicism. Scientists should by their very nature be skeptics. Dogma is the absolute…
I'm not sure the current practices of big pharma actually passes for science.