Shockingly enough, not all parents are good parents.
Shockingly enough, not all parents are good parents.
Exactly. If this were a page dedicated to making fun of people with Downs Syndrome I think the response here would be outrage, not "lol, I actually agree with them."
Or, maybe she was explaining that her daughter looks a little different for various medical reasons. And no, it's not more fucked up than what the other Moms were doing. Maybe it's just me, but attacking that lady at the very end there rubs me the wrong way
And then post it on Jezebel.
You should respond by demanding he write a comprehensive meta analysis on the historical context of a white man appropriating the work of a black woman on white appropriation of black culture. Serve him right.
Now I don't feel quite so dumb for hurrying between trees/utility poles when walking on the sidewalk. In the back of my mind I'm always afraid of getting hit by some fucker like this guy.
I'll get excited when they end their stupid war on Saturated fat.
lol. I never said I hated white people.
Don't get me wrong, I think it could be really cute and chic. It just looks awfully similar to the Kate Gosselin. I think they left it too long in the front. I'd like shorter better.
#howtowearlulelemon needs to trend on twitter. This thread is hilarious.
What do you do if you aren't really into synthetics then? Or maybe I just don't know what a good synthetic is since I shop at Old Navy etc. What should I look for? Heeeeelp me. I haaaaate pilling!
It's a heavy burden you carry.
That looks so. much. better.
In this pic it doesn't look half bad. You may be right!
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Just remember that she doesn't style her hair for the sake of boners.
Joanna Coles is an idiot.
I wonder if she damaged her hair too much from the constant dying from blonde to brunette and she had to cut it off. This is not a good look. Pixies are lovely (love Pam's and J. Hundson's!) and I'm sure she'd look great with the right one... this... isn't it.
Makes sense. But OPs point is still moot.
Nottingham University researchers found that women of white European ancestry got pregnant after a single round of IVF 43.8% of the time. That's compared to 35% of women from other backgrounds.