
They controlled for that.

Been waiting to use this gif.

Thanks, I did look but couldn't find it.

My question as well. Hmm, I wonder who paid for this study?

Because no one really believes girls when they say they've been raped. They must have been asking for it, cause they're sluts. And boys will be boys.


You also missed the idea that white liberal women might want to hear other voices and opinions because it's enjoyable and enlightening. I like hearing other perspectives. It's not that I think they represent me better than white men. I know what I think. I know the general white male perspective. I want to hear from

So it boils down to you don't think that pop culture is influential enough to care about. That it won't make a difference in racial inequity. Well, a lot of people disagree. But you're also forgetting that a lot of brown people simply want to see people like them telling their stories in the media. It will make them

You have no idea what it's like to live as a woman. You just don't. And it's not your fault, but that's how it is. Women are asked to view things from the male perspective all the time. Movies and TV shows are mostly from the male perspective with male protagonists. JK Rowling didn't use her first name because it was

That's true. There needs to be diversity all around. From writing to programming to production and directing. Top to bottom.

Who me? I'm not a man. xxNickMiller = Female Nick Miller. As in, the female version of Nick Miller from the tv show New Girl. xx = Chromosomes. Don't worry, no one seems to get it.

It's a good point. But this is also how culture moves forward and progresses. Through a series of failures and the occasional triumph.

Personally, I'm tired of hearing what white men have to say. That's why I want more diversity on TV. I'm sick and tired of white men and their opinions.

She played a Latina in her first ep of SNL but she isn't actually. What makes you say she identifies as Latina?

Well, apparently he refuses to do drag for the show anymore. So moot point. And really, that might be a really clever way to pressure Lorne into hiring a black woman without getting fired.

It's ridiculous that they can't see how they're hurting themselves. There is so much more they could do if they had black women on the show. For example, the How's the Doing? segment in the last episode was pretty awesome. Mazel tov, Baruch!

This makes sense. There's a big difference between the wind blowing someone's skirt up and someone laying down on a subway floor in order to see what's underneath a skirt.

Exactly. And that's exactly why he doesn't give a shit about cleavage. He wants it non-consensual.

Funnily enough, most people don't walk around with their underwear showing.

I don't know. I only know it's bullshit that someone can confess to raping a kid and there's nothing that can be done about it. Utter bullshit.