
There should be an investigation. And if a crime was committed there is a high probability that evidence will be found. If evidence is found charges should be filed. I'm saying it all shouldn't be contingent on a victim coming forward- especially because in this case, those victims are kids. There are ways around it

You can't be serious? Mental evaluations are easily done.

It just blows my mind that someone can confess: "I had sex with a drunk 13 year old" and that's not enough to get charges pressed. It blows my mind that the same applies to any other crime too, I suppose.

"Don't Tread On Me" will be the official flag of Kanye's next tour.

Yes, exactly. I can't help think this is kind of awesome. If he successfully makes it part of his personal brand and people see it and associate it with him, then he will have successfully stolen this symbol from racists across the country. People will see their bumper stickers and simply think they're Yeezus fans.

The police should stalk these motherfuckers night and day until they catch them in the act. Find a way to do your fucking jobs assholes!!

Yes. Only that Idris Elba scene can fully express the appropriate amount of rage. Yes.

Well, clearly it doesn't matter if they snitch on themselves. They can walk into the fucking police department, stand on top of a desk and scream confessions at the top of their lungs, and police still won't press charges. If that's not rape culture I don't know what is.

Wouldn't it be great if this were considered a hate crime? I mean, they've admitted they target "sluts" and as we all know, everyone with a vagina is a "slut" to these kinds of troglodytes. They're terrorizing women and girls full stop.

At least it allowed law enforcement to keep up-to-date files and gather evidence of their crimes? *shakes head* I dunno.

No, it's just me being a grumpy guss.

It's like you're trying to out-hipster the hipsters. Just because something is trendy doesn't mean people think they invented it.

Except I just got four different messages from you on an article posted over a month and a half ago. Guess I pushed your buttons, hmm.

LoL. What lies did I spew again?

Ahh, that's right. Slipped my mind there as it seems strange to have one happening and not the other.

But BMI accounts for height. While clearly flawed I personally think the BMI system has been overly demonized. For example, there is a 40 lbs range wherein I would be considered "healthy/normal." 40 lbs is a big range. As a way of generalizing populations (rather than determining individual health) I don't think it's

Except that being tall is generally considered a good thing while early puberty is generally considered a bad thing. You hear stories about young girls getting pregnant and their bodies just aren't ready for it and it causes a host of problems. I can't fathom that early puberty is a result of great nutrition and

Seems to me that most health issues that are linked to obesity wind up linked to metabolic syndrome and then sugar. So maybe they've found yet another way that the abundance of sugar in the average diet is messing with our bodies.

It seems TripleT is a proponent of evolutionary psychology- probably not be worth the trouble.