
Yes, it probably is offensive. But that doesn't mean there also isn't some grain of truth in it. I know there are a lot of genuinely awesome men out there who feel great about being able to protect their significant others. But there is something terribly weird about someone who derives self worth based on the

I'll try to avoid you in the future. Maybe one day you'll be able to have disagreements like a grown up.

I've tangoed with you before, haven't I? You called my 'honey' and 'baby' or something, right? Fun.


Right. Cause we all know that money is how you cure addiction.

lol. I'm cutting them slack because despite being famous they're as ordinary as anyone else. You're demonizing people you don't actually know.

Ugh. For someone who hates these people so much you are all up in their business. Maybe you should put the tabloids down and turn off the tv.

Regardless of their reality TV show they are just human beings like any other. Medical privacy laws only apply to health care providers and such- not family. Though it's a decent point. Besides which, there is a line somewhere between shaming and sunlight as disinfectant. And as far as his kids are concerned, it's

Mostly. Some dudes seem to be aware of it too though. I remember one commenter here had a guy tell her it was "cute the way her thighs touch."

She's not attacking your thigh gap, hon. She's saying she would have to starve herself in order to get a thigh gap on her frame. She's not attacking other people with thigh gaps.

Research hasn't shone anything to work on addicts. I'm not convinced there is a right way to help them. Showing someone exactly how much they stand to lose if they don't confront their problems seems to me to have a better probability of success than other options. And I say this as an addict myself- I'm not

I'm not so sure. If I were his family I would use ever potential option I had to pressure him into confronting his addiction. Going public with it applied enormous pressure. It put his reputation and career on the line, not just his immediate relationships. Is that immensely cruel? Maybe. But maybe it also worked. If


I don't think they have to go with a female Ted. A Robin type lead who likes dating and is career oriented but isn't looking to settle down would work just fine.

The fact that she didn't put on blackface makes me like her incrementally more. Such low standards for celebs these days....

Put the blame where it's due, with the people who actually make the decisions.

This may be my favorite comment ever.

It's not the photoshopper's fault. They do what they're told to do.