Where I used to live as a kid they shut down the Wonder Bread factory because of the delicious fresh baked bread smell that wafted from it. People suck.
Where I used to live as a kid they shut down the Wonder Bread factory because of the delicious fresh baked bread smell that wafted from it. People suck.
You did get that I meant the "whiny bitch" part sarcastically, right? And yes, I know us ladies are very persuasive. Some men just don't respect women, period. Not our bodies, not our right to decide who touches them. And for those men, another dude telling them off would be far more effective.
Have people always dressed as anything on Halloween vs dressing as something scary? I think we need to revert back to scary Halloween. Be a sexy ghoul or goblin!
That's what I was thinking too. They probably rationalize it as being 'sexist' to say that we need more representatives of a specific gender. Just like they think it's racist that white people can't say the n-word without consequence.
The 'whiny bitch complaining even though she was asking for it' part was definitely sarcasm. Hope you feel better soon.
Ryan conveniently forgets everything else that feminism has done- which is much, MUCH more than give women more opportunities in the workforce. Like not being sold by your father? Thanks feminism! Like having the right to choose your own husband? Thanks feminism! Like having the right to say 'No' to sex with your…
No one ever says men should stop drinking because it makes them rapey.
Her boyfriend could have done what any decent person would, and told the guy that touching someone without their permission is not remotely acceptable. Men who like to touch women inappropriately usually respond better to other men telling them that's not cool vs a whiny bitch complaining even though she was clearly…
Hmm. I don't think that's a humblebrag- I think that's just a brag.
My 5 would be:Foundation (not really beholden to any brand right now, but I like mineral makeup), concealer, blush, black mascara and a (matte) taupe eyeshadow as well. It's a hard choice between a lippie and the shadow, but I think I could contour with the right shadow so it's the winner!
My guess is this trend is going to be like this one I saw one about celebrities with chipped nail polish. That is to say, DOA. Did you read the blurb? While the no-mascara look works on the catwalk in a bare-equals-brave way, Val's says that unless you have nude eyes and "a stonking big lip" in a vibrant pink or red,…
Good advice. Mascara goes hand in hand with an eyelash curler. Not only are my eyelashes transparent, but they point downwards. Stupid eyelashes.
Well, it's interesting because when you pare down your products to 5 there have to be sacrifices, right? It's interesting to see what other people will sacrifice and what they won't. I'm actually willing to sacrifice on lip stuff if necessary. Mascara is an absolute must though. I might go with lip product over…
Holy moly. What I would give to have your lashes. Le Sighhh indeed.
I have a hard time understanding how mascara looks garish but eyeliner doesn't. But if it works it works!
That's true. If you curl them upwards they'd be more out of the way.
Aha! That makes sense, I suppose.
I'll believe it when I see it. Fake lashes may be out, dramatic eye makeup may be out, but plain ol' mascara? Never.
There's a part in Gone with the Wind (the book version) where Scarlett describes Melanie and her sisters and how their eyelashes are so light they're basically transparent, and how ugly she thinks they are. IIRC she describes it as rat-like. Being a girl with light lashes (despite my dark hair) myself, this struck a…
I can empathize with the sunglasses issue. I guess I've juse gotten used to it, or wear my glasses further down my nose? Maybe it's just because my super pale lashes but I just look bizarre with eyeliner and no mascara. It just doesn't work. You could always try a "volumizing" mascara vs a "lengthening" one?